"What time is it?" (Который час?) - это вопрос, который используется для узнавания текущего времени. Для ответа на этот вопрос, необходимо знать, как правильно показывать время на часах и читать циферблат.
1. Сначала необходимо посмотреть на большую стрелку на циферблате часов. Представьте, что эта стрелка указывает на числа на циферблате. Если эта стрелка указывает на число 12, значит, это полночь или полдень. Если она указывает на число 6, значит, это 6 часов.
2. Затем, посмотрите на маленькую стрелку на циферблате. Эта стрелка указывает на минуты. Например, если она указывает на число 3, значит, прошло 15 минут. Если указывает на число 6, значит, прошло 30 минут.
3. Теперь вы можете считать время на часах. Сначала определите положение большой стрелки, затем положение маленькой стрелки. Допустим, большая стрелка указывает на 8, а маленькая стрелка указывает на число 4. Это значит, что текущее время - 8:20 (восемь часов двадцать минут).
4. Не забудьте также учитывать AM (до полудня) и PM (после полудня). Обычно AM используется для времени с полуночи до полудня, и PM для времени с полудня до полуночи.
Например, если большая стрелка указывает на 2, а маленькая стрелка указывает на 10, то текущее время - 2:50 PM (два часа пятдесят минут после полудня).
1. It was the Paris of my youth.
This sentence is referring to a specific Paris, so the definite article "the" is needed.
2. The British Isles include two big islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and nearly 6000 small islands.
"The" is used before "British Isles" to refer to a specific group of islands.
3. As the Balkan Peninsula is very mountainous, a lot of mineral deposits are found there.
"The" is used before "Balkan Peninsula" to refer to a specific peninsula.
4. The North Pole is the northernmost point on our planet, which is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.
"The" is used before "North Pole" to refer to a specific location.
5. The South Pole is situated on the continent of Antarctica.
"The" is used before "South Pole" to refer to a specific location.
6. The flora of Madagascar includes 14,883 unique plant species.
"The" is used before "Madagascar" to refer to a specific place.
7. The official language of the Netherlands is Dutch.
"The" is used before "Netherlands" to refer to a specific country.
8. The Amazon is the second longest river in the world.
"The" is used before "Amazon" to refer to a specific river.
9. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the British Islands.
"The" is used before "United Kingdom" to refer to a specific country, and "the" is used before "British Islands" to refer to a specific group of islands.
10. There are 30 bridges over the Thames in London.
"The" is used before "Thames" to refer to a specific river.
11. The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
"The" is used before "Suez Canal" to refer to a specific canal, and "the" is used before "Mediterranean Sea" and "the" before "Red Sea" as they are specific bodies of water.
12. California is one of the most attractive places in the USA.
"The" is not needed before "California" as it is referring to a general region.
13. The Strait of Magellan was discovered by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1520.
"The" is used before "Strait of Magellan" to refer to a specific strait.
14. The highest peak of the Andes is almost 7000 meters.
"The" is used before "Andes" to refer to a specific mountain range.
15. Lake Ontario is the smallest of the Great Lakes.
"The" is used before "Lake Ontario" to refer to a specific lake.
16. The worst environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico was the oil spilling 2010.
"The" is used before "Gulf of Mexico" as it refers to a specific body of water.
17. The Hague is called the "City of Peace and Justice".
"The" is used before "Hague" to refer to a specific city.
18. The height of Niagara Falls is nearly 54 meters.
"The" is used before "Niagara Falls" to refer to a specific waterfall.
19. Mount Fujiyama is the highest mountain in Japan.
No article is needed before "Mount Fujiyama" as it is referring to a specific mountain.
20. Kazbek is the highest peak of the Caucasus.
No article is needed before "Kazbek" as it is referring to a specific peak, and no articles are needed before "Caucasus" as it is a general region.
21. It was the new Russia that he found on his return.
"The" is used before "new Russia" to refer to a specific concept.
22. This isn't the Moscow I used to love.
"The" is used before "Moscow" as it refers to a specific city.
23. They took a picture of me on Red Square.
No article is needed before "Red Square" as it is referring to a specific place.
24. The British Isles are situated in the north-east of the Atlantic Ocean.
"The" is used before "British Isles" to refer to a specific group of islands, and "the" is used before "Atlantic Ocean" as it is a specific body of water.
25. They went to the Maldives on their honeymoon.
No article is needed before "Maldives" as it is referring to a specific destination.
26. What countries share a border with Norway?
No article is needed before "Norway" as it is referring to a specific country.
27. In winter, she always spends her vacation at the ski resorts of the Alps.
No article is needed before "Alps" as it is referring to a general region.
28. They spent their summer in the Republic of Ireland, staying in Dublin.
"The" is used before "Republic of Ireland" to refer to a specific country, and "the" is used before "Dublin" as it refers to a specific city.
29. The Colorado River flows through the Grand Canyon.
"The" is used before "Colorado River" to refer to a specific river, and "the" is used before "Grand Canyon" as it refers to a specific canyon.
30. George had planned a cruise to the Greek islands as a surprise for his family.
No article is needed before "Greek islands" as it is referring to a general region.
31. The travelers saw an oasis in the Gobi but it turned out to be a mirage.
"The" is used before "Gobi" as it refers to a specific desert.
32. Berlin, where she had been born in and where she had grown up, no longer existed.
No article is needed before "Berlin" as it refers to a specific city.
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