Probably Bald The rest of To notice Rattle Used to Impossible To blow out To make up Stubborn To support To suppose Ordinary Suburban. Составить 5 предложений с данной лексикой
1. when I Plant a tree, I am happy that if I don't get a shadow from it myself, my grandson will once enjoy that shadow.
2. When the train passed by Brest, it was snowing so furiously that it was impossible to make out anything outside the Windows.
3. Don't think that everyone has sung, that all the storms have died away.
4. I felt that there was something in my friend's soul that he kept to himself.
5. the wealthiest people are not those who received a lot, but those who gave themselves to people more generously than anyone else
1) Tropical...climatesare hot and humid. 2) The heavy snowfall from going out. 3) Bringing up children is a difficult...task 4) Globalwarming...affects the sea level. 5) That scientists is an...experton fossil fuels. 6) Something has to be done before more animals and plants become..extinct.. 7) Cars ..release... fumes and pillute the atmosphere. 8) He promised to come but then he..changed...his mind. 9) We can all ..makea difference to the environment. 10) Gorillas are an...endangeredspecies.
1) Який винахідливий розум у цієї дитини! 2) Негідна поведінка Алекса шокує! Він брехав про кожного з нас! 3) Це було сміливе рішення. 4) Вони дали старому джентльмену золотий годинник в якості нагороди за його доброту. 5) У нас був дійсно багатий на події день .Вранці ми пішли в центр Москви і подивилися пам'ятки Кремлю.Ми пообідали в рестораній вежі і ввечері ми пішли в Большой театр. 6) Ірен слухняна дочка завжди робить те, що її мати просить. 7) Чому ви повинні дивитися телевізор в той час як я всі речі в будинку? Це несправедливо! 8) Він сказав, що ніколи не був там, але він лежав. 9) Ми живемо в межах легкої досяжності від магазинів. 10) пляшка була за його досяжності, але в нашій. 11) Вона як і раніше під слідством іспанської поліції. 12) Його послуги були винагороджені.
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Probably Bald The rest of To notice Rattle Used to Impossible To blow out To make up Stubborn To support To suppose Ordinary Suburban. Составить 5 предложений с данной лексикой
1. when I Plant a tree, I am happy that if I don't get a shadow from it myself, my grandson will once enjoy that shadow.
2. When the train passed by Brest, it was snowing so furiously that it was impossible to make out anything outside the Windows.
3. Don't think that everyone has sung, that all the storms have died away.
4. I felt that there was something in my friend's soul that he kept to himself.
5. the wealthiest people are not those who received a lot, but those who gave themselves to people more generously than anyone else