
косвенная речь если что)Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech using a reporting verb1."You should eat less fast food" the doctor said to him2."Don't forget to lock the door when you leave" mum said to me3. "I'm sorry I damaged your car Olatz said to him4. If I were you, I would stop smoking Andres said to Marta5. Please, please don't be angry with me" Maider said to Marian6."Why don't you ask her out? I said to him7."I didn't break into the house" the burglar said8.'I won't take your things without your permission" he said9. Let's talk about it now' he said10. 'Don't shout in class" the teacher said to the students11. "Would you like me to help you carry those bags?" he asked12. "Leave me alonel" Jane said to her sister13. "I will never disappoint you again" he said to me14. "Roberto took my books" she said15. "You must stay with us" they said to him16. "Yes, I broke your glasses" I said to him​

Английский язык



ответ:2 She said she was very sorry to have broken a glass.

3 He begged her to write to him.

4 I said I could help them with their emails.

5 The student said that he/she hadn't got his/her homework because the dog had eaten it.

6 She told the boys to go out into the garden.

7 He said he was not going to help them.


В автобусе (On a bus)Passenger: One ticket, please.  Пассажир: Один билет
Bus driver: Here you are.Водитель автобуса: Вот, возьмите.  Passenger: How much is the fare?Пассажир: Какова стоимость билета?  Bus driver: One dollar fifty.Водитель автобуса: Один доллар, пятьдесят центов.  Passenger: Will you accept a two-dollar bill?Пассажир: Примете ли Вы купюру в два доллара?  Bus driver: No, only exact change or a token.Водитель автобуса: Нет, только точную сумму или проездной жетон.  Passenger: Do I have to pay for a three-year-old child?Пассажир: Должен ли я платить за трёхлетнего ребенка?  Bus driver: No, children under seven ride free.Водитель автобуса: Нет, дети в возрасте до семи лет проезжают бесплатно.  Passenger: Ok, thank you.Пассажир: Хорошо Водитель автобуса: Не могли бы вы отступить от двери и отойти назад? Пусть другие пассажиры войдут.  Passenger: Yes, of course. No problem.Пассажир: Да, конечно. Мне не сложно.
-Hello -hello -What transport,do you like to travel??? -oh,really I don't know)but the last time I traveled by train,was a great-fun!And what about you??? -so,I like travel by train too,but I traveled to Egipt last year...by plane and I love it))) -really??I never flied by plane)But I want to try))) Привет Привет Каким видом транспорта ты любишь путешествовать ? О,я не знаю,но в последний раз я ехал поездом и это было весело))) А ты? Я ездил на поезде,но в году я поехал в Египет на самолёте и мне понравилось! Правда?я не летал никогда на самолёте ,но попробую

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косвенная речь если что)Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech using a reporting verb1."You should eat less fast food" the doctor said to him2."Don't forget to lock the door when you leave" mum said to me3. "I'm sorry I damaged your car Olatz said to him4. If I were you, I would stop smoking Andres said to Marta5. Please, please don't be angry with me" Maider said to Marian6."Why don't you ask her out? I said to him7."I didn't break into the house" the burglar said8.'I won't take your things without your permission" he said9. Let's talk about it now' he said10. 'Don't shout in class" the teacher said to the students11. "Would you like me to help you carry those bags?" he asked12. "Leave me alonel" Jane said to her sister13. "I will never disappoint you again" he said to me14. "Roberto took my books" she said15. "You must stay with us" they said to him16. "Yes, I broke your glasses" I said to him​
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