
1))) Нам нужно прочитать предложения и вставить там, где нужно, артикль a или an. Если вы считаете что артикля в предложении быть не должно, оставляйте поле незаполненным. 1. Take ………cup of …coffee, please. 2. The raincoat is made of ……..nylon. 3. I am reading ……….interesting.book.about.cosmonauts. 4. There is …..hot and cold water, and ……..gas in this new block of flats. 5. There is …….bathroom opposite the hall. 6. He has ….bread and ……….butter, and ……glass of ……..tea for breakfast. 5 Вставьте вместо пропусков some или any 1. We haven`t gotmilk. 2. Bob likes sugar in his tea. 3. She hasmoney. 4. Are there pictures in his book? 5. I cannot see children in the yard. 6. I needcarrots, onions and cabbage. 7. There is notea in my cup. 8. He has modern hats at home 6 Вставьте вместо пропусков much или many 1.She ate __ice-cream and has got a sore throat. 2. Have you work to do? 3. There aremany apples on the plate. 4. I spend time for reading. 5. Children have broughtmushrooms. 6. Pupils have questions. 7. He made mistakes in reading. 8. Do you havemoney? 7 Вставьте вместо пропусков LITTLE и FEW 1.There is milk in the bottle. 2.He has English books at home. 3.Give me money, I haven`t got any. 4.We have very time, hurry up! 5.She received letters from her granny. 6.I have work for today. 7.There is salt in the soup. 8.Put lemons in your basket.

Английский язык


Day of birth in russia in russia.  birthday note. first prepare various sweets and served on the table. then everyone starts congratulating him and everyone gives their gift.gifts given separately after each greeting and the gift people clink and celebrate this event immediately as all congratulated him adults remain at the table (including the birthday boy if he is an adult).if the birthday boy a little then it (after all the greetings) released watch gifts. celebrating a birthday at any prepared for this place.if you wish, you can go to any entertainment center or landscape. and i note her birthday. advise all its so celebrate!перевод: день рождение в россии. в россии день рождения отмечают так.сначала готовят разные сладости и накрывают на стол. после этого все начинают поздравлять именинника и каждый дарит свой подарок.подарки дарят по отдельности.после каждого поздравления и подарка люди чокаются и празднуют это событие.сразу как все поздравили именинника взрослые остаются за столом (в том числе и именинник если он взрослый).если именинник маленький то его (после всех поздравлений )отпускают смотреть подарки.отмечать день рождения можно в любом подготовленном для этого месте.по желанию можно съездить и в любой развлекательный центр или на природу.так и я отмечаю свой день рождения.советую всем его так !
Please translate from russian into english without a translator.
  nowadays, marriage plays a very important role in modern life. some people think that early marriage has a bad effect on their future lives, while others think that early marriage has many advantages. who is right? a moot point. now i am going to express my point of view and argue with my opponents.

  i firmly believe that there is nothing wrong with early marriage. first, there is a development of personal qualities of a person. young spouses should take care, support each other not only financially, but also to the iram. secondly, this is the most excellent period for conceiving a child. at a young age, people are physiologically most capable of continuing a kind. thirdly, marriage is gaining freedom from parents. young people are completely independent of their relatives.

  however, there is another opinion that early marriage has many shortcomings. for starters, statistically, early marriages often end in divorce. in addition, a job search process must be included.

  undoubtedly, early marriages are often associated with problems in an established family. nevertheless, i insist on a wedding - this is a very bright event, a memory of what will remain for the rest of my life.

  in conclusion, i can say that the marriage will be happy.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1))) Нам нужно прочитать предложения и вставить там, где нужно, артикль a или an. Если вы считаете что артикля в предложении быть не должно, оставляйте поле незаполненным. 1. Take ………cup of …coffee, please. 2. The raincoat is made of ……..nylon. 3. I am reading ……….interesting.book.about.cosmonauts. 4. There is …..hot and cold water, and ……..gas in this new block of flats. 5. There is …….bathroom opposite the hall. 6. He has ….bread and ……….butter, and ……glass of ……..tea for breakfast. 5 Вставьте вместо пропусков some или any 1. We haven`t gotmilk. 2. Bob likes sugar in his tea. 3. She hasmoney. 4. Are there pictures in his book? 5. I cannot see children in the yard. 6. I needcarrots, onions and cabbage. 7. There is notea in my cup. 8. He has modern hats at home 6 Вставьте вместо пропусков much или many 1.She ate __ice-cream and has got a sore throat. 2. Have you work to do? 3. There aremany apples on the plate. 4. I spend time for reading. 5. Children have broughtmushrooms. 6. Pupils have questions. 7. He made mistakes in reading. 8. Do you havemoney? 7 Вставьте вместо пропусков LITTLE и FEW 1.There is milk in the bottle. 2.He has English books at home. 3.Give me money, I haven`t got any. 4.We have very time, hurry up! 5.She received letters from her granny. 6.I have work for today. 7.There is salt in the soup. 8.Put lemons in your basket.
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