1. A robot has been designed by a man. — Робот был разработан мужчиной. (Present Perfect) сказуемое: has been designed
2. A tree is left by birds. — Дерево покинуто птицами. (Past Simple) сказуемое: is left
3. Space will be searched by a robot. — Место будет найдено роботом. (Future simple) сказуемое: will be searched
4. A film was waited by fans. — Фильм ждали фанаты. (Past Simple) сказуемое: was waited
5. Cities were destroyed by war. — Города были разрушены войной. (Past Simple) сказуемое: were destroyed
6. People are led by soldiers. — Людьми руководят солдаты. (Present Simple) сказуемое: are led
7. A smell has been felt by child. — Запах почувствован ребёнком. (Present Prefect) сказуемое: has been felt
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
2. Prepare a new dialogue using dialogue in exercise 1 as a model. Change the words in blue using information about your area (Составьте новый диалог используя диалог в упражнении 1 как пример)Read the dialogue and complete these key phrases (прочитайте диалог и заполните пропуски в ключевых фразах) Man Hello. Can I help you? Tina Yes, I want to visit London. How far is it from here? Man London's about 50 minutes from here on the train Tina OK. How much is a return ticket? Man A return ticket is 200 pounds Tina And is there a bus or coach to London? Man Yes, there are coaches from the 100 pounds . They are cheaper than the train. The timetables are here Tina Great. Thanks very much.
Woman Hi . Wat is the problem
Amy Hello . How I can get to the Garden park
Woman You need to buy ticket for the bus
Amy How much is the richest ticket for the bus
Woman 8 dollars
Amy Goodbye
Woman Goodbye