
What important events happened in the life of these famous people?When did they happen?​

Английский язык



                           Music is a part of my world

I love music. I cannot imagine my life without it. There are days when I can listen to music for hours and I never get bored with it.

I enjoy listening to music. All I need is my smartphone and reliable earbuds. I usually download albums, create playlists and then make sure my phone is fully charged. Then I can walk or take a bus to school while listening to my favourite performers without disturbing people around me.

I like different kinds of music. Usually my choice depends on my mood. Sometimes I listen to classical music (Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninoff are my favourite composers) and then there are days when I listen to R&B or New Age or rock music. My friends like rap and hip-hop, so if we meet together we listen to this type of music.

It would have been great to be able to play some musical instrument, but unfortunately I have not learnt to play any. However, I want to try and perhaps one day I will be able to play my favourite pieces.

                                      Музыка — часть моего мира

Я люблю музыку. Я не могу представить свою жизнь без нее. Есть дни, когда я могу слушать музыку в течение нескольких часов, и мне никогда это не надоедает.

Мне нравится слушать музыку. Все, что мне нужно - это мой смартфон и надежные наушники. Обычно я загружаю альбомы, создаю плейлисты, а затем проверяю, чтобы мой телефон был полностью заряжен. Тогда я могу гулять или ехать на автобусе в школу, слушая своих любимых исполнителей, не беспокоя окружающих.

Я люблю разную музыку. Обычно мой выбор зависит от настроения. Иногда я слушаю классическую музыку (Бетховен, Шопен, Рахманинов — мои любимые композиторы), а есть дни, когда я слушаю R&B или нью-эйдж, или рок-музыку. Мои друзья любят рэп и хип-хоп, поэтому, если мы встречаемся вместе, мы слушаем эту музыку.

Было бы здорово уметь играть на каком-нибудь музыкальном инструменте, но, к сожалению, я не научился играть ни на чем. Тем не менее, я хочу попробовать, и, возможно, однажды я смогу сыграть свои любимые произведения.


Emotions and feelings are all traits we share as humans. According to an article in the publication Psychology Today, “emotions are multi-faceted experiences” of “internal subjective experiences, facial expressions and physiological reactions.” Teasing out the feelings and emotions that people have, and learning why they have them, is an important role for mental health professionals.

Those interested in exploring the difference between feelings and emotions — and understanding the mind, human behavior, and strategic ways of helping mental health patients — usually complete advanced programs of study such as a master’s in counseling. This education is necessary to understand the difference between feelings and emotions from a clinical perspective. Let’s explore that difference, along with how emotions can impact daily life for many individuals.

Feelings versus Emotions

Many people use the terms “feeling” and “emotion” as synonyms, but they are not interchangeable. While they have similar elements, there is a marked difference between feelings and emotions.

Feelings. Both emotional experiences and physical sensations — such as hunger or pain — bring about feelings, according to Psychology Today. Feelings are a conscious experience, although not every conscious experience, such as seeing or believing, is a feeling, as explained in the article.

Emotions. According to Psychology Today, an emotion “can only ever be felt…through the emotional experiences it gives rise to, even though it might be discovered through its associated thoughts, beliefs, desires, and actions.” Emotions are not conscious but instead manifest in the unconscious mind. These emotions can be brought to the surface of the conscious state through extended psychotherapy.

A fundamental difference between feelings and emotions is that feelings are experienced consciously, while emotions manifest either consciously or subconsciously. Some people may spend years, or even a lifetime, not understanding the depths of their emotions.

Range of Emotions

Throughout life, humans experience many emotions. This range of emotions is impacted by such factors as their behavior, the culture they come from, and their previous traumatic experiences.

How Emotions Impact Behavior

According to a study published in Personality and Social Psychology Review (PSPR), emotion is a “feedback system whose influence on behavior is indirect.” While according to the PSPR study, the behavior is used to “pursue (or avoid) anticipated emotional outcomes,” behavior also “provides feedback and stimulating retrospective appraisal of actions, conscious emotional states [which] can promote learning and alter guidelines for future behavior.”

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What important events happened in the life of these famous people?When did they happen?​
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