
ОЧЕНЬ НАДО Поставьте сказуемое в Present Perfect Continuous. 1. They (look) for their cat since morning. 2. Her son (play) computer games since childhood. 3. We (clean) our flat all day long. 4. Jessica (talk) on the phone since early morning! 5. I (write) this verse for 5 minutes. 6. Bob and Pamela (pack) their suitcases since 6 o’clock. 7. (study) she Hebrew since last spring? 8. You (play not) football since you were 15 years old. 9. (watch) they this show for 2 hours? 10. The bonfire (burn not) all night.

Английский язык



1.They have been looking for their cat since morning.

2. Her son has been playing computer games since childhood.

3. We have been cleaning our flat all day long.

4. Jessica has been talking on the phone since early morning.

5. I have been writing this verse for five minutes.

6. Bob and Pamela have been packing their suitcases since six o'clock.

7. Has been she studying Hebrew since last spring?

8. You have been playing football since you were fifteen years old.

9. Have been they watching this show for two hours?

10. The bonfire hasn't been burning all night.


Тема: кошка ( cat ) 
Cat - the most tender and gentle animal. Cat high jumping and climbing. It isaccurate, does not like wet and dirt. It is tied to their children and courageouslydefend them. Cat gets used to house more than a person.
In summer it catches mice with several eggs a day. 
Перевод :
Кошка - самое ласковое и нежное животное.  Кошка высоко прыгает и лазает по деревьям. Она аккуратная, не любит сырости и грязи. Она привязана к своим детям и отважно их защищает. Кошка больше привыкает к дому, чем к человеку. 
Летом она ловит мышей по нескольку штук в день. 
Порода собак-выведенная в провинции Акита на японском острове Хонсю. Другие названия: японская собака акита. Предками могли быть китайские шпицеобразные породы, скрещенные смастифами. Акита-ину является крупнейшей японской собакой из шпицеобразных. В далёком акит, которых брали на охоту, называли «матаги кэн» (яп. «собака охотник на крупного зверя»). Слово «матаги» на древнем японском языке означает «охотник на крупного зверя», также правильный перевод будет как «медвежатник». Слово «кэн», также как и слово «ину», означает собака, но в отличие от слова «ину» слово «кэн» не может быть использовано отдельно, а только в словосочетании, например «матаги кэн». Именно поэтому люди-охотники (матаги) своих собак называли «матаги кэн» Долгое время собаки использовались для охоты в основном на крупных зверей, таких как кабан, олень и медведь.англиский-
breed of dog, bred in the Akita Prefecture on the Japanese island of Honshu. Other names: Japanese Akita dog. Ancestors could be Chinese specialissue breed, crossed with the Mastiff. The Akita inu is the largest Japanese dog from specialisng. In the distant past of the breed, which was taken on a hunting trip, called "matagi Ken" (jap. "dog hunter hunting large animals"). The word "matagi" on the ancient Japanese means "hunter big game", the correct translation will be as "safecracker". The word "Ken", as the word "inu" means dog, but unlike the word "inu" the word "Ken" may not be used separately, but only in the phrase, such as "matagi Ken". That's why people-hunters (matagi) their dogs were called "matagi Ken" for a Long time dogs were used for hunting mainly on large animals, such as boar, deer and bear.

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ОЧЕНЬ НАДО Поставьте сказуемое в Present Perfect Continuous. 1. They (look) for their cat since morning. 2. Her son (play) computer games since childhood. 3. We (clean) our flat all day long. 4. Jessica (talk) on the phone since early morning! 5. I (write) this verse for 5 minutes. 6. Bob and Pamela (pack) their suitcases since 6 o’clock. 7. (study) she Hebrew since last spring? 8. You (play not) football since you were 15 years old. 9. (watch) they this show for 2 hours? 10. The bonfire (burn not) all night.
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