english language. english is a germanic language of the indo-european family. it is the second most spoken language in the world. it is estimated that there are 300 million native speakers and 300 million who use english as a second language and a further 100 million use it as a foreign language. it is the language of science, aviation, computing, diplomacy, and tourism. it is listed as the official or co-official language of over 45 countries and is spoken extensively in other countries where it has no official status. half of all business deals are conducted in english. two thirds of all scientific papers are written in english. over 70% of all post / mail is written and addressed in english. most international tourism and aviation is conducted in english. the list of borrowed words is enormous. the vocabulary of english is the largest of any language. even with all these borrowings the heart of the language remains the anglo-saxon of old english. only about 5000 or so words from this period have remained unchanged but they include the basic building blocks of the language: household words, parts of the body, common animals, natural elements, most pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions and auxiliary verbs. grafted onto this basic stock was a wealth of contributions to produce, what many people believe, is the richest of the world's languages.
Мисс джейн марпл — старая дева, скромно живущая в небольшой деревне сэнт-мэри-мид. её основные занятия — вязание для многочисленных внучатых племянников, уход за растениями в небольшом садике и различные общественные поручения, которые она выполняет часто и с охотой (например, сбор пожертвований на различные местные мероприятия). периодически она выбирается куда-нибудь, чтобы навестить знакомых, родственников или просто отдохнуть. постоянно что-нибудь вяжет, дарит вязаные вещи знакомым, родственникам, или отдаёт на благотворительные нужды. хорошо разбирается в цветах, других растениях и садоводстве вообще. любопытна. в своей деревне, где она прожила большую часть жизни, знает всё обо всех, живо интересуется жизнью соседей, всегда в курсе всех событий, слухов и сплетен. в деревне у неё нет родных, только подруги, в число которых входит большинство пожилых соседок. её племянник раймонд — писатель, состоятельный человек, он живёт в сша, временами приезжает в лондон, не забывает тётушку и периодически ей. вот но кто по руски щас может найду по внгл
1. . i`ll go on holiday if i can find cheap flights to the usa .2. if they revise every day they might pass their exams.3. if she does well at her exams she might get a place in cambridge university. 4. she`ll have to get excellent grades if she wants to study medicine at university. 5. i`ll call him tomorrow morning if he doesn`t reply to my e-mail tonight. 6. your teacher might give you a bad mark if you don`t hand in your essay on time. 7. you won`t get into university if you fail you exams.
english language. english is a germanic language of the indo-european family. it is the second most spoken language in the world. it is estimated that there are 300 million native speakers and 300 million who use english as a second language and a further 100 million use it as a foreign language. it is the language of science, aviation, computing, diplomacy, and tourism. it is listed as the official or co-official language of over 45 countries and is spoken extensively in other countries where it has no official status. half of all business deals are conducted in english. two thirds of all scientific papers are written in english. over 70% of all post / mail is written and addressed in english. most international tourism and aviation is conducted in english. the list of borrowed words is enormous. the vocabulary of english is the largest of any language. even with all these borrowings the heart of the language remains the anglo-saxon of old english. only about 5000 or so words from this period have remained unchanged but they include the basic building blocks of the language: household words, parts of the body, common animals, natural elements, most pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions and auxiliary verbs. grafted onto this basic stock was a wealth of contributions to produce, what many people believe, is the richest of the world's languages.