-Привет, Мэри
-Привет, Аня
-Я слышала ты бегала, давно ты привыкла?
-Два года. А какой вид спорта тебе интересен?
-Я люблю играть в баскетбол после школы.
-Ты в городской команде по баскетболу?
-Нет. Я ещё учусь играть.
-Хочешь я тебя научу?
-Да, было-бы прекрасно!
-Когда начнём?
-Может, завтра после уроков в моем саду?
-Окей, увидимся.
ответыShe addicted to run two years Ann favourite sport - basketball No, she only learning how to playYes she want to train with MaryThey will strat tomorrowWhat kind of sport are you interested?
(Какой вид спорта тебе интересен?)
I am just learning how to pay basketball
(Я только учусь как играть в баскетбол)
Maybe tomorrow after classes in my yard?
(Может завтра после уроков, в моём саду?)
В какой спорт ты хочешь играть? В какой вид?
ответ: I want to pay football, in team.
В какой ты чаще играешь?
ответ: I often play football and dancing.
Какой спорт тебе хочется попробовать?
ответ: I want to try swim in the swimming poоl.
Какие спортивные программы ты смотришь?
ответ: I like tennis-programs
Вы когда-нибудь встречали спортивную знаменитость?
ответ: No, only in TV
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Он мяукал у дверей? Открывайте мне скорей, Очень холодно зимой! Кто же домой? У порога плачет, коготки прячет, Тихо в комнату войдёт, Замурлычет, запоёт.
This is story about me, a simple girl named Marla. I am going to tell you about my unforgettable adventure in the famous sherwood forest which is located in England. It all started with a simple rainy morning, however, the day was not goinf to be ordinary. Me and my family visited Nottinghamshire to see our far causcins David and Josh. We stayed at the hotel that was located right next to their house. On one hand it was cool that we could see our family members, but on the other hand it was quite annoying. After the rain has been finished, we decided to visit the sherwood forest. My caauscins were excited about it but i wasnt, even tho i had to go. After i saw how hudge was the forest it left me speechless. Unbelivable. Finally we got in. Sherwood Forest is world famous for being the home of well known hero Robin Hood. Firstly, it was cold but i didnt really mind it since the forest was so mind blowing. I was willing to see Robin Hood but my dad told me it was impossible but i felt his spirit and i imagined that he was my friend and we were walking together. Finally, when we returned home, his spirit was still with me. He is my guardian angel.