
Find the errors in these paragraphs and correct them. It is claiming by psychologists that everyone lies at some time or other. Moreover, many people can lie without showing it in their facial expressions or body language. For this reason, lie detector tests are frequently use in police investigations. The use of such tests to detect lies is many hundreds of years old. For example, it is believe that in China suspected liars were forced to chew rice powder and then spit it out. If the powder was dry, the suspect is considered guilty. In Spain, another variation for lie detection used. The suspect was being required to swallow a slice of bread and cheese. It was believed that if the bread stuck inside the suspect’s mouth, then he or she was lying. Psychologists report that these strange methods actually show a basic principle that is know about lying: Anxiety that is related to lying is linked to lack of saliva, or dry mouth. Modern lie detectors, which are calling polygraphs, are used to indicate changes in heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and perspiration while a person is be examined. Questions about the validity of the polygraph, however, are frequently raising. Consequently, results from polygraphs are often thrown out in legal cases.

Английский язык


  past simple)  1)i went to the cinema yesterday – вчера я ходил в кино. (утвердительное)2)he didn’t do anything to help me – он не сделал ничего, чтобы мне.(отрицательное)3) was your train late? – твой поезд опоздал? ( вопросительной)     past continuous) 1) i  was  being  followed  by a stranger – меня преследовал незнакомец. (утвердительное)2)it wasn't raining at that moment – в тот момент не шел дождь.(отрицательное)3)  was this book being read by the children? – дети читали эту книгу? (вопросительное)
Ultavive гарциния-это элемент снижения веса, что в значительной степени полезное с конечной целью воздействия на ваше тело тонкий и отделкой. большая часть его крепления являются действительно распространенными и отныне этот пункт обеспечивает долговечные результаты. принцип фиксации присутствует в этом дополнении, гарцинии камбоджийской и это действительно полезно для того, чтобы использовать лишние жиры из вашего тела. значение гарциния камбоджийская-это известные во всем мире и по-настоящему, это мейнстрим учитывая выявленные преимущества. кроме того, он содержит некоторые необходимые минералы вместе с витаминами, которые не вам возможность чувствовать себя бессильным, пока вы теряете вес, однако правда будет сказано, вы чувствуете себя более энергичным и динамичным, чем некоторое время в последнее время. купить бесплатный риск суде ultavive гарцинии отсюда

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Find the errors in these paragraphs and correct them. It is claiming by psychologists that everyone lies at some time or other. Moreover, many people can lie without showing it in their facial expressions or body language. For this reason, lie detector tests are frequently use in police investigations. The use of such tests to detect lies is many hundreds of years old. For example, it is believe that in China suspected liars were forced to chew rice powder and then spit it out. If the powder was dry, the suspect is considered guilty. In Spain, another variation for lie detection used. The suspect was being required to swallow a slice of bread and cheese. It was believed that if the bread stuck inside the suspect’s mouth, then he or she was lying. Psychologists report that these strange methods actually show a basic principle that is know about lying: Anxiety that is related to lying is linked to lack of saliva, or dry mouth. Modern lie detectors, which are calling polygraphs, are used to indicate changes in heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and perspiration while a person is be examined. Questions about the validity of the polygraph, however, are frequently raising. Consequently, results from polygraphs are often thrown out in legal cases.
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