
Употребите глаголы в форме Present Perfect (Present Perfect Continuous) или Past Indefinite. Mr. Jones (not, to speak) to me since he (to return) from his trip. 2. Mr. Jones (to speak) to me when he (to return) from his trip. 3. She (to cook) for the company for about two years. Everybody thinks her dinners are wonderful. 4. She (to cook) for the company for about two years. Then she (to have) a baby and (to leave) the job. 5. I (already, to buy) everything necessary for the party. 6. I (already, to buy) everything necessary for the party on the way home. 7. I (to know) this poem for a long time. 8. I (to know) this poem long ago. But I can’t remember it now. 9. When (you, to send) him the letter? 10. Since when (you, to send) him letters? 11. I (to read) this book three or four times. I like it very much. 12. I (to read) this book three or even four times in my childhood. 13. How long (you, to stay) there? 14. How long (you, to stay) here?

Английский язык



джим керри очень классный актёр00 всё про него знаю)

Вот ответ:

Paragraph 1: His name is Jim Carrey)

Paragraph 2: Characteristics: He is tall,a really funny person that has a sense of humour!

Paragraph 3: His carrier: He first started his performing in his teens as a comedian! Since he has an abillity to make people laugh) He used it as his job hah. His first big film was "Dumb And Dumber" that was filmed in 1994 (nineteen ninety-four) and that had an award for over 20 of them because of the cool acting skill!


Данелия Тулешова Эта казахстанская артистка привлекла внимание миллионов слушателей по всему миру. Четырнадцатилетний молодой певец родился в Нур-Султане, но сейчас живет в Алматы. Петь она начала в юном возрасте. Посещала уроки вокала и танцев. Кроме того, у маленькой звезды были уроки актерского мастерства. Она стала очень популярной благодаря своему таланту. Принимала участие во многих песенных конкурсах, самые известные из которых - Детский конкурс «Новая волна» (2015) и Детское Евровидение (2018). Наибольший успех к ней пришел в четвертом конкурсе «Голос детей». Она победительница этого певческого конкурса, который проходил в Украине. Ержан Максим Эта маленькая звезда родилась и живет в Уральске. В шесть лет начал посещать уроки вокала. Мальчик принимал участие во многих соревнованиях в своей стране и за рубежом. В 2017 году занял второе место на международном вокальном конкурсе «Славянский базар». В том же году он также пел на конкурсе юниоров Сан-Ремо в Италии. Он спел вживую с симфоническим оркестром и стал финалистом мероприятия.



Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Употребите глаголы в форме Present Perfect (Present Perfect Continuous) или Past Indefinite. Mr. Jones (not, to speak) to me since he (to return) from his trip. 2. Mr. Jones (to speak) to me when he (to return) from his trip. 3. She (to cook) for the company for about two years. Everybody thinks her dinners are wonderful. 4. She (to cook) for the company for about two years. Then she (to have) a baby and (to leave) the job. 5. I (already, to buy) everything necessary for the party. 6. I (already, to buy) everything necessary for the party on the way home. 7. I (to know) this poem for a long time. 8. I (to know) this poem long ago. But I can’t remember it now. 9. When (you, to send) him the letter? 10. Since when (you, to send) him letters? 11. I (to read) this book three or four times. I like it very much. 12. I (to read) this book three or even four times in my childhood. 13. How long (you, to stay) there? 14. How long (you, to stay) here?
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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