
Before the first Europeans came to North America, Native Americans lived here. Now people of different cultures and religions live in the USA. English is the most widely spoken language, ane Spanish is the second most common language because there are many Latin America immigrants living there. Most of them arrived in the USA attracted by the so called "American Dream". The money used in the USA is the American dollar. The national bird is the Bald Eagle and the national flower is the rose. The largest city is New York - it is also called the Big Apple. New York is the home of the United Nations. The Empire State Building is also situated in New York. It is a very tall building, 443.2 meters, including its antenna, and it is very beautiful t0o. The longest river is the Mississippi River. The largest state is Alaska and the smallest state is Rhode Island. The highest point in the USA is Mount McKinley and the lowest point is in the Death Valley. The USA is famous for many different things: cities (New York, Boston, etc.), buildings (the Empire State Building, the White House, etc.), entertainment (Disneyland, Hollywood, etc.), holidays (Thanksgiving Day, Halloween, St. Valentine's Day, etc.), food and drinks (hamburgers, hot dogs, Coca Cola, etc. Work with a partner and answer the questions below. 1) What are the two most common languages in the USA?2) What are the national symbols of the USA? 3) What is the "Big Apple"? 4) What are the biggest and the smallest states in the USA? 5) What is the highest point in the USA? 6) What is the USA famous for? ​

Английский язык




1)    The most  two common languages in the USA  are English and Spanish.

3) the Big Apple is  New  York

Kondratchik Vladimir

«туркестанский сборник  сочинений и статей, относящихся до средней азии вообще и туркестанскому краю в особенности»  - собрание разнообразных печатных материалов (книги, журнальные и газетные статьи, вырезки из газет и журналов) по различным темам, владений российской империи. составление сборника было начато по представлению туркестанского генерал-губернаторак.п.кауфмана  в целях информационного обеспечения представителей администрации и интеллектуальной общественности относительно положения в различных областях жизни недавно присоединенного края. появление «туркестанского сборника» знаменует собой важный этап всестороннего исследовании  средней азии  периода её присоединения к  российской империи. эта уникальная подборка материалов по туркестану состоит из 594 томов и в настоящее время находится в собрании  государственной библиотеки узбекистана им.  а.  навои.

основная часть «туркестанского сборника» (тома с 1 по 416) была подготовлена в  санкт-петербурге  под руководством известного библиографавладимира межова  с  1867  по  1887 годы. затем составление новых томов сборника возобновилось только в  1907 году  в  ташкенте. к  1910 году  под руководством библиографа н.в.дмитровского было выпущено 127 томов (с 417 по 543), а в 1911-1916 годах под руководством востоковеда  александра семенова  - еще 48 (с 544 по 591). последние три тома «туркестанского сборника»(с 592 по 594) были составлены под руководством библиографа е.к.бетгера в  1939 году. кроме того, в разное время было составлено несколько каталогов и указателей к материалам сборника.

1) "i do not know the phone number janet." kate said, i do not know, too, 2) "it's nice weather today." kate said, yes it is beautiful 3) "i live not far from the city center." kate said, i live on the outs of town 4) "my mother is a teacher, and his father works in the police." kate said, and my mom chief accountant, and my dad pilot 5) "i have an older brother and a younger sister." kate said, i have 2 sisters only 6) "my grandparents lived not far from my house." kate said, my grandparents living in california 7) "i love going to the movies with my friends." kate said, i like to going   with friends to skate 8) "my room is big enough and comfortable." kate said, my little but cozy enough 9) "dogs are very intelligent animals." kate said, i agree with you 10) "my best friend from california." kate said, it's good but my best friend lives in a city where i  11) "my brother and i always visit our grandparents on sundays." kate said, but   mines not because they live far away 12) "my favorite colors are red and blue." kate said, and my purple and green 13) "i will never walk in the rain." kate said, and i love to walk in the rain

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Before the first Europeans came to North America, Native Americans lived here. Now people of different cultures and religions live in the USA. English is the most widely spoken language, ane Spanish is the second most common language because there are many Latin America immigrants living there. Most of them arrived in the USA attracted by the so called "American Dream". The money used in the USA is the American dollar. The national bird is the Bald Eagle and the national flower is the rose. The largest city is New York - it is also called the Big Apple. New York is the home of the United Nations. The Empire State Building is also situated in New York. It is a very tall building, 443.2 meters, including its antenna, and it is very beautiful t0o. The longest river is the Mississippi River. The largest state is Alaska and the smallest state is Rhode Island. The highest point in the USA is Mount McKinley and the lowest point is in the Death Valley. The USA is famous for many different things: cities (New York, Boston, etc.), buildings (the Empire State Building, the White House, etc.), entertainment (Disneyland, Hollywood, etc.), holidays (Thanksgiving Day, Halloween, St. Valentine's Day, etc.), food and drinks (hamburgers, hot dogs, Coca Cola, etc. Work with a partner and answer the questions below. 1) What are the two most common languages in the USA?2) What are the national symbols of the USA? 3) What is the "Big Apple"? 4) What are the biggest and the smallest states in the USA? 5) What is the highest point in the USA? 6) What is the USA famous for? ​
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