Во-первых расскажу про артикли, наверное вы знаете, но всё же.
Когда слово начинается на согласную букву, мы пишем "a", а когда на гласную букву, то пишем "an".
Артикль "the" может использоваться как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми, как и с единственным числом, так и с множественным.Или же когда мы упоминаем что-то во второй раз.
А сейчас отвечу на ваш вопрос:
Артикль не ставится перед неисчисляемыми вещественными существительными, то есть перед существительными обозначающими название веществ.В случае, если речь идет о конкретной, определенной части вещества, существительное употребляется вместе с определенным артиклем.
1.A need is something you have to have to survive or complete a task. A want is simply the desire for something, in many cases something to satisfy a need. You need food to survive.
2.In the field of behavioral economics, the term utility refers to the perceived value (i.e., usefulness) an individual receives when they purchase a good or service. There are four different types of utility: form, place, time, and possession utility.
3.We must help to anybody who fell in bad trouble to do our society better/
4.We speak with different people from different countries.Many nations want submarines. Economists say that utility determines 'the relationship between a consumer and a commodity'.
Utility varies between different people and between different nations. A vegetarian does not want meat, but may rate the utility of bananas very highly, while a meat-eater may prefer steak. A mountain-republic like Switzerland has little interest in submarines, while maritime nations rate them highly.
5.The production of pianos falls sharply in wartime.
The utility of a commodity is also related to the quantity which is available to the consumer. If paper is freely available, people will not be so interested in buying too much of it. If there is an excess of paper, the relative demand for paper will go down.
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с тестом Sequence of Tenses. Indirect Speech 1 «I think the film was a huge success» — said Peter. Peter said that … . A she thought the film had been a huge success. B he thinks the film was a huge success. C he thought the film was a huge success. D he thought the film had been a huge success. E I thought the film had been a huge success. 2 Mrs. Blake asked me when … . A I had heard him play. B he has heard him play. C she has heard him play D I have heard his play. E she hears my playing. 3 «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me. Tom promised me that … come to the meeting. A I will B I would C he will D he would E if he would 4 He said: «I can speak English very well». He said that he … English very well. A can speak B could speak C will speak D may speak E have to speak 5 She said: «I have been waiting for you since five o`clock.» She said that she … for me since five o`clock. A have been waiting B had been waiting C has been waiting D will have waited E was waiting 6 «Please close the window, my son», — asked mother. Mother asked her son … the window. A does close B to close C closed D will close E had closed 7 «Don`t go out after dark, Tom», — said Ann. Ann … Tom not to go out after dark. A said B threatened C warned D promised E permitted 8 I don`t know where … . A were the post-office B was the post-office C the post-office D are the post-office E the post-office is 9 «Do you often play tennis?» — he asked me. He asked me … tennis. A I often play B if I often played C if he often plays D if you often played E we often play 10 «Don`t imagine it`s an easy task to perform.» He told me … an easy task to perform. A don`t imagine it`s B not imagine it is C not to imagine it was D to imagine it was E not to imagine it is 11 Father said: «I`ve been borrowing money from him for 6 months but he still keeps coming.» Father said … money from him for 6 months but … coming. A he has been borrowing/he still keeps B he had been borrowing/he still kept C he borrowed/he still kept D she has borrowed/he still kept E he had been borrowing/she still kept 12 «Who spoke at the meeting yesterday?» She wonders … at the meeting … . A who spoke/yesterday B who had spoken/yesterday C who had spoken/the day before D who speaks/every day E who had spoken/that day 13 Oliver told them he … before he came there. A brought up by his aunt B was brought up his aunt C had been brought up by his aunt D has been brought up by his aunt E is brought up by his aunt 14 Everybody was surprised to hear that … to the party. A Jim will not come B Jim wouldn`t come C Jim doesn`t come D Jim won`t be coming E Jim isn`t coming 15 «Are you sure it`s an interesting book?» she asks. She asks … an interesting book. A why I am sure it`s B if I was sure it was C if I was sure it is D if I`m sure it was E if I`m sure it`s 16 I thought perhaps … A we go to the cinema. B mother will allow us to go to the cinema. C we might go to the cinema. D children like to go to the cinema. E a new cinema is being built. 17 Joan asked what he … me about his trip. A tells B have told C had told D has told E tell 18 «Will you go with the others, Tonny?» asked Mr. Kelly. Mr. Kelly inquired … with the others. A if Tonny went B that Tonny goes C if Tonny would go D where will Tonny go E if Tonny will go 19 The woman at the desk said: «It will be difficult to get a job without experience or references, but I`ve got someone who might suit». The woman at the desk said … . A that it will be difficult to get a job without experience or references, but she has got someone who might suit B it is difficult to get a job without experience or references, but she has someone who might suit C it was difficult to get a job without experience or references but she had someone who may suit D it would be difficult to get a job without experience or references but she had someone who might suit E that it had been difficult to get a job without experience or references, but I had someone who might suit 20 The boy asked her if … a possibility of getting those books in the school library. A it is B it were C there is D there was
1) He pretends to be working hard. 2) He seems to be a good manager to me. 3) It appeared to be a funny story. 4) He seems to be telling the truth to me. 5) She claims to have sold it for fifty pounds. 6) The letters seem to have been signed to me. 7) Everybody appeared to be ready. 8) The boy pretended to be crying. 9) The book seems to be translated into almost all languages to me. 10) They claim not to understand anything.