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III. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (✓) by the number in the answer boxes provided. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the answer boxes provided. Mountain Climbing 0 The most frightening experience in my life happened 0 ✓ 0 to me a few years ago while I was been at university. I was 0 been 1 a member of the rock climbing club, and every weekend 1 2 we would go for climbing in the Welsh mountains. One 2 3 Saturday we set off in fine spirits – the sun was shining 3 4 and there it was not a cloud in the sky. We began to climb 4 5 the mountain, and by lunchtime we had being managed to 5 6 get at least halfway that up. While we were eating our 6 7 sandwiches and mint cake we noticed some dark clouds 7 8 forming up in the distance. We weren't worried, 8 9 however, so we continued on with our way. This turned out 9 10 to be a big mistake – the clouds got more closer and closer, 10 11 then it began to snow. We tried to get down the mountain, 11 12 but the snowstorm became so much bad that we got stuck. 12 13 Eventually we were rescued, but not before that we had spent 13 14 half the night up there, cold, miserable and sure about that 14 15 we were all going to die. I hope it will never happens again. 15
Let's start with some good news - people live longer nowadays. Children and teenagers watch less TV than 50 years ago but spend five times longer on computers, mainly playing computer games.
On the one hand a 50 year period for the country is not very long, but on the other hand great changes have been rapidly taking place in this country since the 70s.
What are these changes? First of all I'd like to mention the development of new technologies in modern society, for example wireless connection, appearance of the mobile phones. For people from that time it was fantastic but for all of us it's quite an ordinary thing today. Then we can't stand mentioning the Internet that is a necessary thing almost everywhere nowadays and it's difficult to imagine how people lived, worked and studied without computers at that time.
The bad news is the difference between the rich and the poor people. It was much less 50 years ago. But on average, people live now longer: for 78 years (75 for men and 80 for women). It is because now more people try to follow a healthy lifestyle. More people see smoking as a bad health habit; only a quarter of the population smokes compared to 50 years ago. People eat more fruit and vegetables now and less fat.(But still many people are seriously overweight.)
To my mind the life in this country became more complicated than it was 50 years ago, but more challenging and interesting.