
Pr. P Continuous vs Present Perfect, Multiple choice Choose the right tense form: Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Write only the proper form of the verb. Example: We have been surfing/have surfed the internet since morning.-have been surfing 1) Alice has been learning/has learned French for 2 years. 2) The birds have already flown/have been flying to the South. 3) We have known /have been knowing her for many years. 4) Fred has forgotten/has been forgetting to prepare for the test. 5) We have been watching/have watched a comedy film for an hour and a half. 6) The train has just come/has been coming. 7) Mark has been learning /has learnt painting in this studio since childhood. 8) Our parents have been/have been being friends for ten years. 9) Ann has been/ has been being a student for three years.

Английский язык


has been learninghave already flownhave been knowinghas forgottenhave benn watchinghas just comehas benn learninghave been beinghas been being

1. Most people need a work permit to work abroad.

2. You can’t enter the office without my permission.

3. A notice was sent to parents about the school trip.

4. As he wasn’t ready , we went inside the building without him.

5. I need to talk to you, so please call me as soon as possible!

6. Let me know when you go shopping I need you to buy me new shoes.

7. This is Tom’s wholesale marketplace where you can find many interesting things.

8. I’m going to get some groceries from the shopping mall near my house.

9. There were a few letters this morning but none of them were for me.

10. Christmas Eve, which is the day before Christmas Day, is celebrated in many countries worldwide.


1 She cleans windows every month

Does she clean windows every month?  - она моет окна каждый месяц?

Does she clean windows or doors every month?  - она моет окна или двери каждый месяц?

What does she clean every month?  - что она моет каждый месяц?

She cleans windows every month, doesn’t she? – она моет окна каждый месяц, не так ли?

Who cleans windows every month? – кто моет окна каждый месяц?

2 They learnt the words yesterday  (здесь глагол learn должен стоять в времени learnt)

Did they learn the words yesterday? – они выучили слова вчера?

Did they learn the words or the text yesterday? – они выучили слова или текст вчера?

What did they learn yesterday? – что они выучили вчера?

They learnt the words yesterday, didn’t they? – они выучили слова вчера, не так ли?

Who learnt the words yesterday? – кто выучил слова вчера?

3 They will meet him at the static (здесь что за слово static – это не существительное, возможно здесь имеется в виду слово station – станция)

Will they meet him at the station? – они встретят его на станции?

Will they meet him at the station or in the park? – Они встретят его на станции или в парке?

Where will they meet him? – где они его встретят?

They will meet him at the station, won’t they? – они встретят его на станции, не так ли?

Who will meet him at the station? – кто его встретит на станции?

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Pr. P Continuous vs Present Perfect, Multiple choice Choose the right tense form: Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Write only the proper form of the verb. Example: We have been surfing/have surfed the internet since morning.-have been surfing 1) Alice has been learning/has learned French for 2 years. 2) The birds have already flown/have been flying to the South. 3) We have known /have been knowing her for many years. 4) Fred has forgotten/has been forgetting to prepare for the test. 5) We have been watching/have watched a comedy film for an hour and a half. 6) The train has just come/has been coming. 7) Mark has been learning /has learnt painting in this studio since childhood. 8) Our parents have been/have been being friends for ten years. 9) Ann has been/ has been being a student for three years.
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Sadikova Gavrikov