1) Само предложение: The students go to school 6 days a week. 2) Общий вопрос: Do the students go to school 6 days a week? 3) Специальный вопрос: Where do the students go 6 days a week? ( можно задавать вопрос к другому члену предложения, тогда предложение может начинаться с When,Why,What) 4) Вопрос к подлежащему (чаще его относят к специальному вопросу) : Who goes to school 6 days a week? 5) Альтернативный вопрос: Do the students go to school 6 or 7 days a week? (Можно or ставить между другими членами предложения: Do students or teachers) 6) Разделительный вопрос ( делится на два типа : начало положительное, а конец отрицательный и наоборот): +,- The students go to school 6 days a week, don't they? ( обязательно краткая форма на конце) ; -,+ The students do not go to school 6 days a week, do they? Надеюсь, что эти примеры
Sure, I can help you with that! Here are some examples of sentences using "will," "won't," "might," and "might not."
1. I will go to the party tonight.
Explanation: The speaker is confident and certain that they will attend the party.
2. She won't finish her homework on time.
Explanation: The speaker believes that she will not complete her homework by the deadline.
3. They might go to the beach tomorrow.
Explanation: The speaker suggests there is a possibility that they will visit the beach the following day, but it is not definite.
4. He might not pass the test if he doesn't study.
Explanation: The speaker indicates that there is a chance he will fail the test if he does not study.
Now, let's try to create some more sentences using "will," "won't," "might," and "might not."
5. We will have cake at the party.
Explanation: The speaker knows for certain that there will be cake at the party.
6. She won't eat vegetables for dinner.
Explanation: The speaker believes that she will refuse to eat vegetables during dinner.
7. They might visit the museum next week.
Explanation: The speaker suggests the possibility of going to the museum the following week without certainty.
8. He might not play soccer if it rains.
Explanation: The speaker indicates that there is a chance he will not play soccer if it rains.
Remember, "will" and "won't" express definite future actions or beliefs, while "might" and "might not" indicate possibilities or uncertainties.
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