I really love reading. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is my favorite book. I have read it for about three times! It tells us about a young wizard, his friends, family and adventures. There are a lot of books about Harry that i am going to read and films that i would like to watch next. I look forward to it.
(Я очень люблю читать. Гарри Поттер и философский камень - моя любимая книга. Я читала её около трёх раз! Там говориться о молодом волшебнике, его друзьях, семье и его приключениях. Существует еще много книг о Гарри, которые я собираюсь прочитать и фильмов, которые я бы хотела посмотреть дальше. Жду этого с нетерпением.)
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Adjectives: Comparative and superuuv.Directions: Complete the chart using the correct form of each adjective, Adjectivecleancomparative Superlativecleaner cleanestricherdriestgoodbiggerlongoldest
"The Little Prince" is my favorite book. This story is about friendships, love and care. It is necessary to say that this book will be interesting both for children and for adults. There are many important and deep thoughts and things that everybody must know and remember. This book is easy to read, though it contains symbols and comparisons. It is impossible to set aside this book, because you have a strong wish to read it chapter by chapter. "The Little Prince" has many translations into other languages because it is very popular all over the world. I believe that this book influences on people. After reading, they become more open-hearted and kinder. I highly advise everybody to read this amazing story with such simple plot.