Меня зовут Николь и я живу в Уотерфорде
Республика Ирландия. Я люблю Уотерфорд -
красивый город. Это на реке и тоже всего в десяти километрахиз моря. Летом 1 к
пляж с друзьями каждые выходные.
Каждую субботу. В Уотерфорде есть рынок в центре город. Вы можете купить там еду. Я часто хожу на рынок и посмотри вокруг, но я
обычно покупаютмного. Группа амишей живет в общине недалеко от Уотерфорд. Oни
хлеб, варенье и прочеевиды продуктов питания и продавать их на рынке. Они выглядят иначе
волосы и одежда очень старомодны
- но когда ты с ними разговариваешь, действительно дружелюбный. Вы не можете говорить с ними о телепрограммах или
компьютерные игры, конечно, потому что они не смотрят телевизор или компьютеры!
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
There are some differences between a travel, a trip, a journey, a tour, a voyage, and a crossing. Study the definitions below and check the correct answer below. TRAVEL – the activity of travelling; a journey (air/space travel business travel; travel about the Far East JOURNEY – the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle (I love going on long journeys). TOUR – 1. A visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the place or area and learn about it (We went on a guided tour of the cathedral/museum/factory); 2. A journey made for pleasure, especially as a holiday, visiting several different places in an area (a cycling tour of Provence); 3. A planned visit to several places in a country or area made for a special purpose, such as one made by a politician, sports team, or group of performers (a lecture/concert tour). TRIP – a journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again (The trip from York to Newcastle takes about an hour by train). VOYAGE – a long journey, especially by ship (He was a young sailor on his first sea voyage). CROSSING – a journey across a large area of water, from one side to the other (It was a really rough crossing – I threw up three times). 1. A is a long trip for pleasure and sightseeing often consisting of visits to different places. 2. A is a travel made by water - sea or ocean. 3. Our included England, France and Germany. 4. It would be impossible to imagine modern life without . 5. In 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg on its first across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later. 6. You can by train, by bus, by plane, by ship or in a car, and finally you can go on foot. 7. Unfortunately that ended in a shipwreck, and Robinson Crusoe found himself on a deserted island. 8. Mr. Dower has visited many countries and now he is writing a book about his . 9. One day I came back from a few days’ made on foot through the island. 10. As far as I am concerned, I prefer by air. 7. Read the article and then check the correct answers below.
1) Tour
2) Crossing
3) Tour ( or journey)
4) Travel
5) Voyage
6) Trip