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britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch, queen elizabeth ii as head of the state. she was crowned in 1953. the queen has now reigned longer than any other monarch in modern britain. the country is governed in the queen’s name by the government. also she performs certain important acts of government on the advice of her ministers. elizabeth ii is also head of commonwealth and is head of state in 14 of its 41 member countries, including australia, new zealand and canada. the british parliament consists of the house of lords which is made up of hereditary and life peers and peeresses and the house of commons, which plays the major part in law making 1635 elected members of parliament. the government is formed by the political power which can command majority support in the house of commons. its leader is the prime minister who chooses a number of ministers, of whom 20 or so are in the cabinet which is collectively responsible for all government decisions.
британия является парламентской демократией с конституционным монархом, королевой елизаветой ii, во главе государства. она была коронована в 1953 году. эта королева правит дольше, чем любой другой монарх в современной британии. страной от имени королевы правительство. также она принимает некоторые важные решения по совету своих министров. елизавета ii также является главой содружества и главой государства в 14 из 41 страны-члена содружества, включая австралию, новую зеландию и канаду. британский парламент состоит из палаты лордов, в состав которой входят наследственные и пожизненные пэры и пэрессы, и палаты общин, которая играет основную роль в законотворчестве и насчитывает 1635 избранных членов парламента. правительство формируется политической партией, получившей поддержку большинства в палате общин. главой правительства является премьер-министр, который выбирает ряд министров, из которых около 20 входят в кабинет министров, который несет коллективную ответственность за все решения правительства.
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Open the brackets and put the verbs into the present perfect. i … (see) the seven wonders of the world and if there is an eighth i … (see) it too. i have walked through the most wonderful parks of every civilized and uncivilized country in the world. i … (sleep) in the finest beds of the most fashionable hotels of the biggest cities of the best countries. i … (eat) the tastiestfoods on earth, i … (spend) long afternoons in the most beautiful gardens of the richest people on earth drinking green tea, reading the cheapest novels and smoking the most expensive cigars. i … (play) poker with the most famous people - with the prince of wales ad with the countess of strasbourg. seven of the wonders i … (see), but the best place for me is beale street.
i have seen the seven wonders of the world and if there is an eighth i have seen it too. i have walked through the most wonderful parks of every civilized and uncivilized country in the world. i have slept in the finest beds of the most fashionable hotels of the biggest cities of the best countries. i have eaten the tastiest foods on earth, i have spent long afternoons in the most beautiful gardens of the richest people on earth drinking green tea, reading the cheapest novels and smoking the most expensive cigars. i have played poker with the most famous people - with the prince of wales ad with the countess of strasbourg. seven of the wonders i have seen, but the best place for me is beale street.