Kazan Казань Kazan is the capital city of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is also one of the most exciting cities I have ever seen. Last year we visited Kazan with our school teachers and classmates. It was an informative trip, as we saw lots of historic, natural and architectural sights. Our guide was an elderly woman who had a lot to tell. In local language Kazan means “a pot”, which is true as it resembles a hollow or boiler. The city has a favourable geographic position. It is situated near the Volga River which helped to develop trading relations from ancient times. According to historians the city is one thousand years or even older. In the middle of the 16th century it became the part of the Russian empire and the population constantly grew since then. At the moment Kazan shows population over a million people. It features a well-developed chemical and aviation industry, sports and cultural fields. Perhaps, the most popular sport in the city is football. Cultural background is also on good level. You can find the Academic Opera, the Museum of Natural History and other culturally interesting establishments there. All the guests of the city are offered to visit the Kremlin, which is a complex of outstanding monuments. For students Kazan is one of the friendliest cities. It features dozens of educational institutions where you can find the highest level of teaching. It is especially true about the Federal University or Medical University. Казань является столицей Республики Татарстан. Это также один из наиболее интересных городов, которые я когда-либо видел. В году мы посетили Казань с нашими школьными учителями и одноклассниками. Это была информативная поездка, так как мы посмотрели много исторических, природных и архитектурных достопримечательностей. Нашим гидом была пожилая женщина, которой было, что рассказать. На местном диалекте Казань означает «котел», что совершенно верно, так как город напоминает глубокую впадину или котлован. Город имеет выгодное географическое положение. Он расположен недалеко от реки Волга, что строить торговые отношения с древнейших времен. По мнению историков городу более тысячи лет. В середине 16-го века он стал частью Российской империи, а население с тех пор постоянно росло. В настоящее время население Казани более миллиона человек. В ней хорошо развиты химическая и авиационная промышленности, области культуры и спорта самым популярным видом спорта в городе является футбол. Культурная жизнь также на хорошем уровне. Вы можете посетить Академический театр оперы, Музей естественной истории и другие с культурной точки зрения интересные учреждения. Всем гостям города предлагается посетить Кремль, который представляет собой комплекс выдающихся памятников. Для студентов Казань один из самых дружелюбных городов. К услугам гостей несколько десятков учебных заведений, где можно найти самый высокий уровень преподавания. Это особенно верно, о Федеральном или Медицинском университете.
Moscow,the capital of Russia is one of the world's great cities.Its name was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147.Since that time Moscow has played an important role in Russian history.Today Moscow is not only the political center of Russia but also the country's leading city in population,industry and in cultural importance. Moscow stands on the Moskva River in the centre of the vast plain of European Russia.The climate of Moscow is continental.Winters are long and dark with a lot of snow.Northerly winds from the Arctic bring very sharp drops in temperature.The minimum recorded temperature is -42*C.Spring is rather short,and the temperature rises quickly during late April.Summers are warm and July is the warmest month.Rainy days are quite common,but the summer rainfall often comes in heavy showers and thunderstorms.Autumn,like spring,is brief with rapidly falling temperatures. Moscow is the largest industrial centre of Russia.The most important industries are those producing automobiles and trucks,machine tools,radio and television sets.Moscow's plants and factories also produce:food,furniture,clothes and footwear. The most important element in Moscow's city transport is the metro subway.The system was begun in 1935 and is still developing.Some of the stations,especially the older ones,are highly decorated with marble,statues and mosaics.Trains usually arrive at three-minute intervals,though the interval is less during rush hours. Moscow has numerous theatres, headed by the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre,witch was founded in 1825.The city's principal drama theatre is the Moscow Art Theatre.It was founded by the actor,director and producer Konstantin Stanislavsky and the dramatist and producer Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko.In its early days it was especially famous for its performances of Anton Chekhov's plays.Also of the worldwide fame are the State Central Puppet Theatre and the Moscow State Circus. Moscow has some museums and art galleries of international rank.Among them are the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts,with a fine international collection,and the State Tretyakov Gallery with an excellent collection of Russian paintings.
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