1. Chewing candies, lozenges, chupa-chups. They contain a huge amount of sugar, chemical additives, dyes, substitutes, etc. 2. Chips - corn and potatoes. Very harmful to the body. Chips are nothing but a mixture of carbohydrates and fat, in the shell of dyes and taste substitutes. Also, nothing good will bring eating re-fried potatoes - fries. 3. Sweet carbonated beverages - a mixture of sugar, chemistry and gases - to expose the body more harmful substances. Coca-Cola, for example, is a great remedy for lime and rust. Soda drinks are harmful and high in sugar - in the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, quenching thirst with such soda water, you will again want to drink again in five minutes. 4. Chocolate bars. This is a giant amount of calories in combination with chemical additives, genetically modified products, dyes and flavors. Noodles of fast cooking. All this is a solid chemistry that harms your body. Croucers with seasonings, which, in addition to damage to health, also injure teeth. 5. Salt, or rather its excess. Salt in the excess changes the pressure, disturbs the balance in the body, contributes to the accumulation of toxins. Since you can not give up it, and besides the salt contains vital minerals, therefore, as a minimum, try not to use it in large quantities. 6. Alcohol. Even in minimal quantities prevents the assimilation of vitamins. In addition, alcohol is very high in calories.
1. Last summer we ate many fruit 2. He was sitting in his room since 2 o'clock 3. I have seen that film 5. He have forgotten her yet 6. This person is speaking a lot now 7. He wasn't seen anywhere in the last week 8.I will go in for lessons next month 10. When have you sung this song? 11. We've bought this washing machine recently 12. All the day the it is raining 14. My brother has always studied well 15. In case he has excelent pass the exams 16. Bread was bought by my brother 17. He usually come to colledge by bus 19. In case the museum is visiting a lot by the students 20. He will be met on the railway station tomorrow
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