
ДЗ! Из диалога на стр 89 выписываете предложения с глаголами в Present Continuous

Английский язык


Maya Plisetskaya was born on 20th of November in1925, in Moscow. When she was young she wanted to become a dramatic actress like her mum. In addition, she loved to participate in different perfomances as a child. When she was five years old she first visited theatre and she was very impressed by a play of actors. Her first visit to the theatre, when she was five,  However, her destiny was to become a legend of ballet. As she wrote in her book, when she was already an adult, that ballet for her was work and her hobby was architecture. Maya Plisetskaya was the first woman who invented a jump in ballet terminology called  "ring". If I am not wrong, she was the first ballerina in the world who danced 70 years on the stage. She was a phenomenon. 

Что такое книга, знает каждый человек, так как книги и даже целые библиотеки есть практически у каждого дома. Все книги по своему строению одинаковы. Они имеют титульную страницу и листы, которые сшиты между собой в переплет.
Но не всегда книги так выглядели. В древности книгами называли множество свитков, которые являлись продолжениями друг друга. В основном эти книги хранились в монастырях или у государей. Так, например, существует легенда о библиотеке Ивана Грозного. Повествовали книги в основном о святых людях, об исторических событиях, то есть были своеобразными летописями.
Что такое книга в современном понятии, узнали в России 1491 году. Когда была выпущена первая печатная книга. С тез самых пор технология издания книг претерпела изменения, она усовершенствовалась. Теперь уже не нужно набирать литеры в определенном порядке, так как есть компьютеры.
Книги стали выглядеть очень красиво. Большое внимание уделяется обложке и качеству листов. Появились книги разного размера. Маленькие часто носят с собой, чтобы в транспорте время летело быстрее. Большие книги стали дорогим приобретением, что их можно покупать в качестве подарка, и не стоит отказываться.

What is the book, knows everyone, because books and even entire libraries almost every house. All the books on the structure are the same. They have a cover page and worksheets that are stitched together in hardcover. But not always the books looked. The ancient books called many of the scrolls, which were continuations of each other. Generally, these books were kept in monasteries or with sovereigns. For example, there is a legend about Ivan the terrible. After the book is mainly about the Holy people, about historical events, then there were sort of Chronicle. What is a book in the modern sense, learned in Russia year 1491. When was the first printed book. With technology ever since the publication of theses books has evolved, it has evolved. Now no longer need to type the letters in the correct order, as there are computers. Books began to look very nice. Great attention is paid to the cover and quality of sheets. There were books of various sizes. Little often carry to transport time flew faster. Great books are expensive to purchase, they can be purchased as a gift, and shouldn't be.

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