in my opinion, the film "titanic" will not leave anyone indifferent. throughout the film, the viewer follows the story of two people and empathizes with them. until the end of the film, we hope for a happy ending without waiting for it. this film leaves a deep impression and gives food for further reflection. after the film, one can think a lot about happiness, love, tragic coincidence and irrevocable fate.
на мой взгляд, фильм «титаник» не оставит никого равнодушным. на протяжении всего фильма зритель следит за двух людей и сопереживает им. до конца фильма мы надеемся на счастливый финал, так и не дождавшись его. этот фильм оставляет глубокое впечатление и дает пищу для дальнейших размышлений. после фильма можно много думать о счастье, любви, о трагичном стечении обстоятельств и бесповоротности судьбы.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Упр. 88. Раскройте скобройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Presentperfect. Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect.Сравните употребление этих времен, которые соот-ветствуют времени в русском языке.1. I just (to meet) him.Tak Sam (to bring) some cheese biscuits9. They (to dance) from six till ten o'clockWe (not to see) each other before we (to come to the place.The meeting (to begin) before he (to come to the place.6. Yesterday we (to return) home late.1. We (to understand) that she (not to see) us before.8. At seven o'clock yesterday Cathy (to sleep) as she (tobé) tired.
1 have met
2 brought
3 were dancing
4 have seen / came
5 has begun / came
6 returned
7 understanded/ hasn t seen
8 was sleeping/ had been tired
9 have you had
10 worked
11 have got
12 had been signed
13 has just finished
14 were watching / came
15 have just watched
16 did you go or (Have you gone)/ were seeing
17 was
18 was having/ was going
19 has already had
20 were drinking
21 entered / saw were drinking