
To give away 1) отдавать бесплатно, раздавать, дарить; 2) выдать секрет, обнародовать тайну, обнаруживать; 3) быть посаженным отцом, вести невесту к алтарю to give back отдавать обратно, возвращать to give in 1) сдавать (отчет, доклад, домашнюю работу и т. д.); 2) уступать, сдаваться to give off испускать, выделять to give out 1) притворяться кем-либо, выдавать себя за кого-либо; 2) портиться, ломаться, иссякать, заканчиваться, подходить к концу (о запасах, силе и т. п.); 3) распределять, раздавать, рас сдаться, опустить руки; 2) избавиться (от привычки), отказаться от чего-либо, прекратить делать что-либо 1. Fill in the particle(s) correctly. Translate the sentences. Упражнения с Фразовыми глаголми give 1. Can I borrow that book? They’ll give it... to her tomorrow. 2. After the operation David had to give ... smoking. 3. He gave ... most of his money to charity. 4. This chemical gave ... a unpleasant smell. 5. They gave ... to the strikers’ demands. 6. They tried to study Italian but soon they got tired and gave it... . 7. Their food supplies gave ... sooner than they had planned, so they had to return home. 8. They’d better not give... these secrets to anyone, or I will be angry with them. 9. The rebels have been forced to give 10. Please give your work ... before Monday. 11. The information has also been given ... about courses for teachers of English. 12. On that day they gave ... that fresh papers had been found. 13. She never completely gave... hope. 14. The hijacker has just given himself ... to the police. 15. Her little girl had cried so the dog had been given 16.I gave... his ring and his jacket. 17. We mustn’t give ... to threats. 18. She gave ... her work to look after the children. 19. The examiners is the person in auditorium who give ... examination tickets. 20. I give ... - tell me the answer. 21. Even Ruskin gave ... the attempt in despair. 22. The secret plans have been given … and now the chief is furious. 23. The factory gives ... a lot of smoke, causing pollution. 24. Although they were losing the match, the team refused to give 25. The shop is giving... free gifts to anyone who spends more than 30. 26. The papers were given ... and we had an hour to do the test. 27. In the end she has given ... trying to explain everything to us. 28. No vodka for her, thanks. She’s given it 29. She was standing at the buss stop giving leaflets ... to passers-by. 30. When is she going to give him ... her camera? 31. The names of the winners were given … on the radio. 32. When she was only a two miles from her destination the gas gave 33.They tried running, but They gave ... after about twenty minutes. 34. I said, ‘Please Ma’am, I should like to give ... my notice.’ 35. The flowers give... a fragrant perfume. 36. Her patience finally gave .

Английский язык


А это перевод Винигрет 100 г сливочного масла Соль Перец Орегано Бальзамический уксус Оливковое масло базилика листья Тимьян зеленый лук Испанский лук Лавровый лист После того как вы приготовили ваш свеклы можно делать повязки. Положите на довольно высокую основанные антипригарной сковороде на сильном огне . Растопите 100 г несоленого сливочного масла. Добавить немного соли и перца, 1 столовая ложка мелко нарезанного очень орегано и около 2 столовые ложки бальзамического уксуса, перемешать и оставить . В стеклянную емкость положить свежие листья базилика, свежего тимьяна, листьев свежего орегано, зеленым луком / лук-шалот, какой-нибудь испанский лук и лавровый лист. Затем добавьте немного масла, чтобы жить глянец листьев и с учетом всех вкусов, бросать и добавить свекла. Положите салат на тарелку, направленный от центра пластины и рабочих вверх. Возьмите соусом и ложкой его вокруг пластину, затем на салат. Положите немного оливкового масла на тарелке, чтобы дать салат два тона эффект, который делает салат выскочить на тебя. Подавать салат сразу же, как соус жарко. Если вы хотите сделать это блюдо, как entrée не в качестве гарнира можно крошить некоторых австралийских Фетта сверху и служить со
Dead Mother

Our neighbour told us this story. It was many years ago. He had left school and tried to go to medical univercity, but he failed. He was really sad, but then he got a job the paramedic. Because his sister worked there. One day the call arrived on the night duty. Someone got hupertensive crisis. We went on the dark road. It was extremely rainy. Strange muddy figure stand near the cemetry. Pale young woman was waving hand in the light of headlights. It seemed strange to us and we went out of the car. Shivering woman came closer and started begging us to save little child in the village nearby. She was unusial cold. Not like a normal human. We were very scared and we wanted to run away. Nevertheless we regretted her and went to that willage. She left at the cemetry, at her home as she said. At this place he meeted a man with ill girl. He said that he did not calling them. We brought girl to hospital. She had pneumonia. He asked, who had called them. And then we saw portrait with black ribbon of that strange woman.We felt sick. Man said us that this woman died seven days ago. There was no woman on the road when we went home. But I looked back. She was standing and watching us.          

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

To give away 1) отдавать бесплатно, раздавать, дарить; 2) выдать секрет, обнародовать тайну, обнаруживать; 3) быть посаженным отцом, вести невесту к алтарю to give back отдавать обратно, возвращать to give in 1) сдавать (отчет, доклад, домашнюю работу и т. д.); 2) уступать, сдаваться to give off испускать, выделять to give out 1) притворяться кем-либо, выдавать себя за кого-либо; 2) портиться, ломаться, иссякать, заканчиваться, подходить к концу (о запасах, силе и т. п.); 3) распределять, раздавать, рас сдаться, опустить руки; 2) избавиться (от привычки), отказаться от чего-либо, прекратить делать что-либо 1. Fill in the particle(s) correctly. Translate the sentences. Упражнения с Фразовыми глаголми give 1. Can I borrow that book? They’ll give it... to her tomorrow. 2. After the operation David had to give ... smoking. 3. He gave ... most of his money to charity. 4. This chemical gave ... a unpleasant smell. 5. They gave ... to the strikers’ demands. 6. They tried to study Italian but soon they got tired and gave it... . 7. Their food supplies gave ... sooner than they had planned, so they had to return home. 8. They’d better not give... these secrets to anyone, or I will be angry with them. 9. The rebels have been forced to give 10. Please give your work ... before Monday. 11. The information has also been given ... about courses for teachers of English. 12. On that day they gave ... that fresh papers had been found. 13. She never completely gave... hope. 14. The hijacker has just given himself ... to the police. 15. Her little girl had cried so the dog had been given 16.I gave... his ring and his jacket. 17. We mustn’t give ... to threats. 18. She gave ... her work to look after the children. 19. The examiners is the person in auditorium who give ... examination tickets. 20. I give ... - tell me the answer. 21. Even Ruskin gave ... the attempt in despair. 22. The secret plans have been given … and now the chief is furious. 23. The factory gives ... a lot of smoke, causing pollution. 24. Although they were losing the match, the team refused to give 25. The shop is giving... free gifts to anyone who spends more than 30. 26. The papers were given ... and we had an hour to do the test. 27. In the end she has given ... trying to explain everything to us. 28. No vodka for her, thanks. She’s given it 29. She was standing at the buss stop giving leaflets ... to passers-by. 30. When is she going to give him ... her camera? 31. The names of the winners were given … on the radio. 32. When she was only a two miles from her destination the gas gave 33.They tried running, but They gave ... after about twenty minutes. 34. I said, ‘Please Ma’am, I should like to give ... my notice.’ 35. The flowers give... a fragrant perfume. 36. Her patience finally gave .
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