неделя для меня была очень насыщенная. Как раз в это время начались каникулы. В понедельник я хорошо выспался, а потом пошеь гулять со своими друзьями. Во вторник я ходил на каток со своими родителями. Мне очень понравилось. в среду и четверг мы отдыхали от всей работы, а на выходных решили поехать на дачу, там мы жарили шашлыки и веселились. Эти каникулы я запомню надолго.
вот на англ
Last week for me was very intense. Just at this time the holidays began. On Monday, I slept well, and then I went for a walk with my friends. On Tuesday I went to the rink with my parents. I really liked it. on Wednesday and Thursday we rested from all the work, and on the weekends we decided to go to the cottage, where we were barbecuing and having fun. I will remember these holidays for a long time.
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Рассказ о животном из красной книги на английском языке 6-7 предложений
The Amur tiger is the only species of tigers that has learned to endure harsh snowy winters. Hunting for the Amur tiger is the most important activity, because it eats only meat. Hoofed animals usually become its prey. Amur tigers are loners. Another reason for the reduction in the number of this species is the valuable fur of the animal, which every hunter had dreamed of getting. But now the Amur tiger is under state protection, and these royal animals live in special reserves where they have created all the conditions necessary for life.
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