1. Natural rubber is a thermoplastic material that becomes soft when heated and hard when cooled. - Participle II - определение - Натуральный каучук представляет собой термопластичный материал, который становится мягким при нагревании и твердым, когда охлажден.
2. Matter composed of any chemical combination of elements is called a compound. - Participle II - составное именное сказуемое - Материя состоит из разных химических комбинаций элементов называемых соединением.
3. The smallest particle having (Participle I - определение) all the characteristics of an element is called an atom. - Participle II - составное именное сказуемое - Наименьшая частица, имеющая все характеристики элемента называется атомом.
4. While bombarding (Participle I - обстоятельство) the upper layers of the atmosphere, cosmic rays reach the surface of the earth. В то время как бомбардировались верхние слои атмосферы, космические лучи достигают поверхность Земли.
Each of these types has both positive and negative sides. However, there are clear proponents of both types of training. Often they absolutise dignity of their preferred learning and do not take full account of its shortcomings. Practice shows that the best results can only be achieved at the optimum combination of different types of training. You can make an analogy with the so-called technology intensive foreign language training. Their supporters often suggestive absolutise benefits (associated with the suggestion) ways to memorize foreign words on a subconscious level, and are generally contemptuous of traditional methods of teaching foreign languages. But after all the rules of grammar are not utilized by suggestion. They mastered long hours worked and becoming the now traditional methods of learning.
Today, the most common is the traditional version of the study. The basics of this type of training were laid almost four centuries ago still YA Comenius. The term "traditional education" means first of all class-lesson learning organization that has developed in the XVII century. on the principles of didactics formulated YAComenius, and still is predominant in the schools of the world.
The characteristic features of a traditional klassnourochnoy technology are:
- Students of about the same age and fitness level up a class that maintains a constant composition is basically the whole period of schooling;
- Class works on a single annual plan and program according to schedule.Consequently, children should comThe apparent advantage of the traditional teaching is the opportunity for a short time to transfer a large amount of information. With this training, students learn skills in finished form without revealing ways to prove their truth. Among the major drawbacks of this type of training, you can call it focus more on memory rather than on thinking.e to school the same time, and in predetermined hours of the day;
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Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что любят Ник и Полли если я не сделаю мне не подарят айфон)
Полли : I like Dogs, Plants, Chickens, Horses, Candy, books, Snow, cats, flowers.
Ник : I like snows, horses, plants, dogs, bike, cars, boads, books, candy.
Полли и Ник (вместе) : snows, horses, plants, dogs, candy, books.