
Составить по 3 своих примера условных предложений 1 и 2 типа 1) If Liza (be)rich she (send) her son ton Eton.2) If my parents ( allow) me to get a Saturday job, I (earn) some money for new Computer games

Английский язык



ответ:1. If Liza were rich, she would send her son lo Eton.

2. If my parents allowed me to get a Saturday job, I would earn some nwnej for new computer games.

3. If the policeman knew the way, he would tell me how to gel to the bus slop

4. If the school were not far from my house, I would go there by bike.

5. If the boy were ready for the lesson, he would get a good mark.

6. If they worried about the test, they would come on time.

7. If he needed money, he would ask for a job.

8. If we tried our chance, we would spend the weekend in the country.


1. Если бы Лиза была богата, она послала бы своего сына в Итон.

2. Если бы мои родители позволили мне работать в субботу, я заработал бы немного денег па новые компьютерные игры.

3. Если бы полицейский знал путь, он сказал бы мне, как добраться до остановки автобуса.

4. Если бы школа была недалеко от моего дома, я ездил бы i-уда па велосипеде.

5. Если бы мальчик был готов к уроку, он получил бы хорошую оценк)

6. Если бы они беспокоились о тестировании, они прибыли бы вовремя

7. Если бы он нуждался в деньгах, он искал бы работу

8. Если бы мы пробовали паши шансы, мы проводили выходные в черевне.

Объяснение: удачи)♥

Валерия Воробьева396

The house of the future will be most convenient. The house will cope the smartphone. Wireless lighting will allow to operate light by means of motion sensors and the panel. In houses of the future there will be a clever refrigerator. He will allow to learn an expiration date of products and to show the recipe of dishes which can be prepared from products which are in it. Temperature in the house can be controlled by means of the mobile. In the house of the future it will be possible to include and adjust music from any point of the house. On one computer all systems of your house will be shown, you will have over them complete control if there is a breakage of any device that you will see it on the screen.


Дом будущего будет максимально удобен. Дом будет управляться смартфоном. Беспроводное освещение позволит управлять светом с датчиков движения и пультом. В домах будущего будет стоять умный холодильник. Он позволит узнать срок годности продуктов и показать рецепт блюд которые можно приготовить из продуктов которые есть в нём. Температуру в доме можно будет контролировать с мобильного. В доме будущего можно будет включать и настраивать музыку из любой точки дома. На одном компьютере будут показаны все системы вашего дома, вы будете иметь над ними полный контроль если же возникнет поломка любого прибора то вы увидете это на экране.


ответ:if the high quality of education, as, for example, in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Classical boarding house, then the high cost of education;

if the high quality of education, as, for example, in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Classical boarding house, then the high cost of education; in some cases, even the high cost does not guarantee the quality of education; a large number of private schools complicates the process of choosing a school that provides a truly high-quality education. First of all, you need to find out if your chosen school is accredited;

if the high quality of education, as, for example, in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Classical boarding house, then the high cost of education; in some cases, even the high cost does not guarantee the quality of education; a large number of private schools complicates the process of choosing a school that provides a truly high-quality education. First of all, you need to find out if your chosen school is accredited; the possibility of school bankruptcy;

if the high quality of education, as, for example, in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Classical boarding house, then the high cost of education; in some cases, even the high cost does not guarantee the quality of education; a large number of private schools complicates the process of choosing a school that provides a truly high-quality education. First of all, you need to find out if your chosen school is accredited; the possibility of school bankruptcy; many private schools have been created recently, so it is quite problematic to find out how high-quality education this school can give your child;

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Составить по 3 своих примера условных предложений 1 и 2 типа 1) If Liza (be)rich she (send) her son ton Eton.2) If my parents ( allow) me to get a Saturday job, I (earn) some money for new Computer games
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