
Fill in the sentences with some / any / much / many / lot of / few / little. A- We need to do 1 shopping. B- Yes, we haven't got 2 potatoes and we need 3 peppers, too. A- We've got milk, but we haven't got 4 biscuits left. Can you buy 5 ? B- OK. How 6 bread have we got? A- Just a 7 . B- How 8 eggs are there in the fridge? A- Just a 9 . B- We need a 10 them. I'm going to bake a cake.

Английский язык



A some

B many,few

A any , few

B much

A little

B many

A few

B lot of

Объяснение: надеюсь у меня также есть два вопроса по геометрии можете если сможете

Держи, тут вроде правильно
Fill in the sentences with some / any / much / many / lot of / few / little. A- We need to do 1 shop

In our time, information plays a very important role. Its media is the press, but simply a newspaper. It publishes various news, from food to world politics. Now you rarely see a person in the hands of a newspaper, now all the press is in phones and other gadgets.

в наше время очень большую роль играет информация. Ее же носители является пресса, а по простому газета. Там публикуются разные новости, начиная с еды заканчивая мировой политикой. Сейчас редко встретишь человека в руках с газетой, сейчас вся пресса находится в телефонах и остальных гаджетах



Ex. 1. Choose the right word from the list below and put it into the necessary form:

a) energetic, vigorous, racy, active, lively, animated, vigorously

1. He was an able and nug1. He was an able and. heartily, cordially, sincerely, warmly

1. He laughed and embraced his brother. 2. I’ll see you again. 3. Mary greeted them . 4. You are invited to our wedding on May, 30. 5. He smiled stiffly in answer to Julia’s warm ready smile and she felt the palm of his hand wet with sweat when she grasped it. (Maugham) 6. She sat at the desk and with her bold, slowing hand wrote: Yours Julia Lambert. (Maugham)



Ex. 1. Choose the right word from the list below and put it into the necessary form:

a) energetic, vigorous, racy, active, lively, animated, vigorously

1. He was an able and nug1. He was an able and

ace, not a particularly handsome one, was and weather-beaten. 11. She looked healthy with those cheeks of hers.

c. heartily, cordially, sincerely, warmly

1. He laughed and embraced his brother. 2. I’ll see you again. 3. Mary greeted them . 4. You are invited to our wedding on May, 30. 5. He smiled stiffly in answer to Julia’s warm ready smile and she felt the palm of his hand wet with sweat when she grasped it. (Maugham) 6. She sat at the desk and with her bold, slowing hand wrote: Yours Julia Lambert.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Fill in the sentences with some / any / much / many / lot of / few / little. A- We need to do 1 shopping. B- Yes, we haven't got 2 potatoes and we need 3 peppers, too. A- We've got milk, but we haven't got 4 biscuits left. Can you buy 5 ? B- OK. How 6 bread have we got? A- Just a 7 . B- How 8 eggs are there in the fridge? A- Just a 9 . B- We need a 10 them. I'm going to bake a cake.
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