1) This film can be seen at our cinema (by everyone).
2) Delicious fruit ice-cream are beeing sold there now (by them).
3) She will be handed in this letter (by the postman).
4) The criminal has been punished (by him).
Слова в скобках можно не указывать, так как страдательный залог употребляется когда неизвестно или намеренно не упоминается кто выполняет действие.
Exercise 12.
1) Я видел, как птицы летят к лесу.
I saw birds flying towards the forest.
(сложное дополнение с причастием I)
2) Я увидел, как птицы полетели к лесу.
I saw birds fly towards the forest.
(сложное дополнение с инфинитивом без частицы to)
1. Every year, several prizes are given to the best students. 2. When the pizza was delivered, it was cold. 3. You will be told when you can come in. 4. That song isn't played on the radio very often, is it?
#2 1. When people are arrested, they are taken to the police station. 2. Milk is usually kept in the fridge. 3. Will we be told what's in next week's test? 4. How did people communicate over long distances before the phone was invented? 5. Will you be allowed to come to the party next Saturday? / Were you allowed to come to the party next Saturday? 6. You will be given your exam results next Monday. 7. Was Aidan's bike found yesterday?
Exercise 7.
1) This film can be seen at our cinema (by everyone).
2) Delicious fruit ice-cream are beeing sold there now (by them).
3) She will be handed in this letter (by the postman).
4) The criminal has been punished (by him).
Слова в скобках можно не указывать, так как страдательный залог употребляется когда неизвестно или намеренно не упоминается кто выполняет действие.
Exercise 12.
1) Я видел, как птицы летят к лесу.
I saw birds flying towards the forest.
(сложное дополнение с причастием I)
2) Я увидел, как птицы полетели к лесу.
I saw birds fly towards the forest.
(сложное дополнение с инфинитивом без частицы to)