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Английский язык


1. Why are you wearing such a funny suit? – I am going to a fancy party.
2. It’s so quiet in the house! Where are the children? – They are sleeping.
3. Let’s have a break and go out to lunch together. – I’m sorry, I can’t.  I'm preparing a very important project.
4. You are always coming late. Don’t you realize it’s not polite to keep people waiting?
5. Jane is returning from her holiday tomorrow, isn't she? – Oh, yes, we are going to meet her at the station.
6. As far as I know, he is not looking for a new job. So he is unlikely to be interested in your offer.
7. What are they  working at at the moment? – I have no idea, but it seems to be something special. They are making more and more experiments every day.
8. I'm moving to a new flat at the weekend. Perhaps you can help me if you are not doing anything special.
9. He is spending just a few days in Paris. – And where is he  staying?
10. When are you leaving? – I don’t know actually. The embassy is still considering my application
Where is my photo?
– Где моя фотография?
Where are the chairs?
– Где стулья?
Where do you like to swim?
– Где тебе нравиться плавать?
Where are you from?
– Откуда ты?
Where can we meet?
– Где мы можем встретиться?
What is this?
– Что это?
What city is this?
– Какой это город!
What must he write?
– Что он должен написать?
What musical disc is this?
– Какой это музыкальный диск?
What time will they arrive?
– В какое время они приедут?
Whose photo album is this?
– Чей это фотоальбом?
Whose book this is?
– Чья эта книга?
Whose children are playing in the yard?
– Чьи дети играют во дворе?
Whose son came to the party yesterday?
– Чей сын пришел вчера на вечеринку?
Whose play was staged?
– Чью пьесу поставили на сцену?
Why didn't he call her?
– Почему он не звонил ей?
Why should they go to this lecture?
– Почему им следует пойти на эту лекцию?
Why is he at work?
– Почему он на работе?
Why did she not write?
– Почему она не написала?
Why are you sitting at my desk?
– Почему ты сидишь за моей партой?
When will they finish it?
– Когда они закончат это?
When were you angry?
– Когда ты был сердитым?
When are they going to leave?
– Когда они уезжают?
When did she come back?
– Когда она вернулась?
When will they be ready?
– Когда они будут готовы?
How often do you study?
– Как часто ты занимаешься?
How often does he travel?
– Как часто он путешествует?
How long can you swim?
– Как долго ты можешь плавать?
How many apples may we take?
– Сколько яблок мы мрдем взять?
How old is he?
– Сколько ему лет?
Who does he work with?
– С кем он работает?
Who did they talk about?
– О ком они говорили?
Who does she live with?
– С кем она живет?
Who is she angry at?
– На кого она сердита?
Who are you talking to?
– С кем ты разговариваешь?
Which jacket do you like?
– Какой пиджак тебе нравится?
Which way are they travelling?
– Какой дорогой они едут?
Which of the children is going to the Zoo on Sunday?
– Кто из детей собирается в зоопарк в воскресенье?
Which of the trains goes to London?
– Который из этих поездов едет в Лондон?
Which city does he live in?
– В каком из городов он живет?
Whom does he want to see?
– Кого он хочет видеть?
Whom did the director of the institute show a new laboratory to on Monday?
– Кому директор института показал новую лабораторию в понедельник?
Whom did she invite?
– Кого она пригласила?
Whom did you see there?
– Кого вы видели там?
Whom did you give it to?
– Кому вы это дали?

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