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Hello! My name is ... . Today I will tell you about my collection of dolls. Since childhood I love to play and find in this fabulous world is something magical. My favorite doll in my entire collection is the Barbie doll. I gave it to my grandmother when I was 7 years old. My doll is very beautiful. She has a slender figure, long hair and a pretty face. I love doing different hairstyles on her. Her thick blond hair. Her face is very funny, she has brown eyes, a neat nose, white teeth and a nice smile. Oval face and pale pink. Thin arms and legs, a flat stomach is create an image of a cporty lady. Very nice look of any dress on this doll is very cute and fabulous.

Привет! Меня зовут ... . Сегодня я вам расскажу о моей коллекции кукол. С детства я люблю играть и нахожу в своём сказочном мире что-то волшебное. Моя любимая кукла из всей моей коллекции - это кукла Барби. Мне подарила её бабушка, когда мне было 7 лет. Моя кукла очень красивая. У неё стройная фигура, длинные волосы и симпатичное лицо. Я люблю делать разные причёски ей. У неё густые светлые волосы. Её лицо очень весёлое, у неё карие глаза, аккуратный нос, белоснежные зубы и милая улыбка. Лицо овальное и нежно - розового цвета. Тонкие руки и ноги, плоский живот - создают образ спортивной леди. Очень красиво смотрятся любые платья на этой кукле, очень мило и сказочно.
1. Spectacle, which was watched by me at last time, is named "Shoes for Cinderella". This is a musician fairytale for children.

2. This is a beautiful story about girl, which wanted to be on the ball. Very harmfully not go to the ball, when you really deserve this. And happiness came to Cinderella!
Came suddenly, unexpectedly! The most beautiful dress, crystal shoes, dance with prince in round of world stars. Really star ball with the world celebrity!

3. What need to talk about idea, very interesting, but not very long and boring beginning. I wasn't addicted for idea, all was very predictable.

4. I was impressed by the decorations very much. They was so big and bright, that I couldn't take eyes from them. Especially I was addicted by huge clock and coach.

5. The main characters are: Cinderella, her stepmother and her two daughters, and also, Prince.

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