Many people think that it is enough to know one language, but scientists think it is too little. The world is constantly changing, borders between countries and states is opening, and each of us can visit any country we like. This is one of the arguments in favour of studying foreign languages. In addition, the study of languages develops your attention and memory, broadens your mind, and you feel more educated. Многие люди думают, что достаточно знать один язык, но ученые думают, что это катастрофически мало. Мир постоянно меняется, открываются границы между странами и государствами, и каждый из нас может побывать в любой стране, которая вам нравится. Это один из аргументов, говорящих в пользу изучения иностранных языков. Кроме этого, изучение языков развивает внимание и память, расширяет кругозор, и вы чувствуете себя более образованным.
English language history is inseparably linked with the history of England. When the Romans left the British Isles 410 g, together with them gone, and the Latin language. The true inhabitants of the island (the British)continued to use Celtic languages.
The ancestors of the modern British did not lose the gift of time. In the year 449 Germanic tribes of angles, Saxons and Jutes began the first raids on the island. They spoke dialects, developed on the basis of the low German language.
The Britons, as conquerors, spoke Indo-European languages, but the language of the Britons belonged rather to the Celtic than a Germanic. The language of the invaders, which was added only a handful of Celtic words, now called Anglo-Saxon.
One can only guess what would become the language, if the descendants of these three tribes were not attacked. The fact is that the two large invasion of the island and missionary movement incredibly changed the language. As a result of English became the language with the largest number of words and grammar play a major role are not the end of the words and their order in the sentence. But we're running ahead.With the spread of literacy English slowed his change, but he continues to change today. With the settlement and the colonies of the British Empire in parallel with British English began to develop American, Australian, Pakistani, Indian and other language versions. All they significantly differ only in their pronunciation, and grammar and usage of the words in General are very similar. There are no significant differences, but increasingly the British unconsciously use an American expression, taking them for a truly British, and Vice versa.
Ease-of-use regulations, as well as the wealth of vocabulary, which continues to expand, allowed the English language over the past half century to become an international language of communication.
Многие люди думают, что достаточно знать один язык, но ученые думают, что это катастрофически мало. Мир постоянно меняется, открываются границы между странами и государствами, и каждый из нас может побывать в любой стране, которая вам нравится. Это один из аргументов, говорящих в пользу изучения иностранных языков. Кроме этого, изучение языков развивает внимание и память, расширяет кругозор, и вы чувствуете себя более образованным.