3. могут ветеранам,приютам нуждающимся в ответ сформулируйте и переведите сами)
What a big college! It has thousand students. Ben is planning to go to college as soon as he finishes school. The college that my brother goes to trains managers.
On Sundays we often watch television together. We have just bought a new television. It's the biggest television I've ever seen. Turn off the television: it's past your bedtime.
Poor man, he hasn't got a home and he hadn't got a family. Come at any time, I'll be at home. This house is the best home for them. I'm sure they'll be very happy here.
Look at the hospital! Can you see the man at the window on the ground floor? After his third day at the hospital Victor felt much better. I'd like to be a nurse and work in a big hospital.
At what age do English children go to school? The school I go to is not far from my house. - what's this red brick building? It's a school.
My name is Alex. I am a student. I live in a block of flats with my family. My Family isn't big. There are four of us: my father, my mother, my younger/elder sister/brother and I. My father's name is Boris. He is a director. My dad likes jogging very much. He is handsome and looks younger than he is. My mom, Nina, is a very pretty woman. She works as a teacher. Her hobby is knitting. My sister's name is Vicky. She is a pupil in the eigth form now. Vicky is a bit boring but everybody likes her for her kindness and gaiety. Меня зовут ... Я ученик. Я живу в квартире со своей семьей. Моя семья не большая. Мой папа, мояя мама, мой\моя старшая\младшая сестра\брат и я. Моего папу зовут Борис. он директор. Он очень любит бегать. Он красив и выглядит моложе чем он есть на самом деле. Моя мама Нина очень милая женщина. Она работает учителем. Её хобби вязание. Мою сестру зовут Викки. Она ученица восьмого класса. Викки немного скучная , но все любят ее за доброту и веселье
ну я такое помню делал, но забыл)