Перевод: (Если где-то ошибки сори,я не очень хороший знаток Англиского) 50 years ago there were refrigerators, washing machines vacuum Cleaners, but they were less than perfect TV, but only black and white. People read books, wrote journals, Newspapers, and writing letters to each other, but only on paper, was much more personal communication. TV shows and listened to music via radio, player. All products are natural. A large number of people live in rural areas, where there was heating, and only the stove, the water was only from the well or column, the toilet was outside
In the UK, school education is voluntary under the age of 5 years. This means that the parents candecide whether or not to take their children to kindergarten (kindergarten) or not. From 5up to 16 years of schooling became compulsory and free for students in public schools.During this time, students receive primary (5-11) and medium (11-16) education. Sixteen-year-olds can begin to work, to stay in school or go to a further education colleges, where they will learn some of the skills with school subjects.All high school graduates take exams on the general certificate of secondary education(JSIC) .For those who want to enroll in universities typically remain at school for two more3-4 years do the subjects, after which they pass another set of exams called level (Advanced level examination). By that time, they already know that they are universityI want to address and what their preferences. In turn, the universities for information about the applicants (including the results of examinations) and to select them, will bestudents.Most UK university courses last three years and the students, as a rule, one ortwo main themes. It is common practice for students attending universities are ingreat distance from their homes and live on campusTo pay for his tuition and living expenses of students tend to borrow money from the banks, but at the same time there is a system of scholarships, that is, the money given the brightest high school graduates will be spent at their universityeducation. Many students do some jobs to earn extra money.At the end of a university course, students receive a so-called bachelor .. ifthey want to continue their education, they can learn more and take their master that is research-based graduate studies leading to the degree of theirDoctor of Philosophy. ВОТ
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50 years ago there were refrigerators, washing machines vacuum Cleaners, but they were less than perfect TV, but only black and white.
People read books, wrote journals, Newspapers, and writing letters to each other, but only on paper, was much more personal communication. TV shows and listened to music via radio, player. All products are natural. A large number of people live in rural areas, where there was heating, and only the stove, the water was only from the well or column, the toilet was outside