
3 Read the text again. Choose the correctanswers.1 In 2050, there will be __ billion morepeople living on Earth.a ten b three c seven2 Agriculture has destroyed a lot of__a prairies, forests and steppesb grasslands in South Americac forests in Central Asia3 Most vertical farms will be in___a buildings in towns and citiesb forests around the worldc underground laboratories4. Some of the advantages of geneticallymodified plants are that they___a have bigger seeds and can grow faster.b don't need much fertiliser or pesticides.c can grow on land and in water.5 Some scientists think that geneticallymodified food mighta cost less than food produced on a farmb taste better than the food we eat nowc be dangerous for people's health​

Английский язык


Koshkina Alekseevna

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спасская башня

спасская башня - самая известная и самая большая среди всех башен кремля. в ней 10 этажей, высота ее – 67,3 метра без звезды и 71 метр с нею. спасская башня была возведена при князе иване iii итальянским архитектором пьетро солари. изначально башня называлась фроловская, так как неподалеку на мясницкой улице, куда вела дорога из кремля, находился храм фрола и лавра, не сохранившейся до наших дней. в 1521 году в память об избавлении москвы от осады войска хана махмет-гирея над фроловскими воротами со стороны красной площади появился образ спаса смоленского. образ считался неземного происхождения, и как он появился, никто точно сказать не может. этот образ поместили в киот, а перед киотом повесили фонарь. за огнем лампады следил служитель храма василия блаженного. во второй половине 17 века на воротах со стороны кремля был установлен образ спаса нерукотворного.   в то время по центральным районам московского государства прошла эпидемия чумы, в которой особенно пострадала москва, но один из городов, хлынов (киров, вятка), эпидемия обошла стороной, и стали возникать слухи, что причиной этого является чудотворный образ спаса нерукотворного, которому молились горожане. узнав об этом, царь алексей михайлович повелел икону в москву. с иконы были сделаны два списка, один из которых был установлен над фроловскими воротами со стороны кремля. царь алексей михайлович особым указом 1658-го года приказал изменить название фроловских ворот на спасские, и у башни появилось новое название – спасская.


A cafe called Bogli was located on Eighth Avenue. This room was a modest place for lunch. Two girls worked there. One of them was called Helen, she was a tall, slim and beautiful girl. And the second is Tilda. Suppose she was not very attractive appearance, but both of them were the best friends. Often visitors came to see Helen. After all, she was very pleasant and sociable. Many men dreamed that she would pay attention to them. One man even gave Helen a puppy, and a golden ring. There was no such attention to Tilda, because she herself worked for pleasure. One day a man came to their place. His name was Mr. Siders. He was tall and thin. He understood that Helen would not pay attention to him, so being in a drunken state he hugged Tilda, and even kissed him. Tilda blushed from shock, and this mysterious man left. After this visit, Tilda realized that she could be loved. Suppose she does not have a beautiful appearance, but this kiss gave her strength. When Helen found out about this, she said, "Why did they notice you"

Tilda was waiting for him, but he did not come. One day he came and apologized for this incident. He said that he had gone over a little with alcohol, so he went to this act. And Tilda began to cry, because for her, this kiss was important. This case changed Tilda for the better. After all, if it were not for this mister, then Tilda would not love herself.

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3 Read the text again. Choose the correctanswers.1 In 2050, there will be __ billion morepeople living on Earth.a ten b three c seven2 Agriculture has destroyed a lot of__a prairies, forests and steppesb grasslands in South Americac forests in Central Asia3 Most vertical farms will be in___a buildings in towns and citiesb forests around the worldc underground laboratories4. Some of the advantages of geneticallymodified plants are that they___a have bigger seeds and can grow faster.b don't need much fertiliser or pesticides.c can grow on land and in water.5 Some scientists think that geneticallymodified food mighta cost less than food produced on a farmb taste better than the food we eat nowc be dangerous for people's health​
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