
Упр. 1 Прочитайте предложения и ответьте на во объясните свой выбор 1 Monica has been my girlfriend for 6 months. Lena was my girlfriend for 5years.Who is my girlfriend? 2 Viktor has been married (был женат) for 3 years. Kevin was married for 10 years. Who is still (ещё, до сих пор) married? 3 Bob has lived here for 5 days. Bob lived here for 9 years. Who still lives here? Упр.2 Задайте во к предложению. 1 Olga has been to Sochi. 2 I`ve read this dialogue. 3 We have decided (решили) to get married.

Английский язык



Fashion trends in the modern world are developing rapidly and brightly. I think that fashion in the future will have the motto "Chic and comfort". It should be comfortable and practical, because, with an increasingly active lifestyle, uncomfortable and impractical clothing will lose its benefits. Clothes, of course, should be beautiful. I hope that in the future we will see an even greater variety of styles than now. We make the fashion of the future ourselves. And how quickly and qualitatively it will develop depends on us.


Башенный мост

Тауэрский мост — один из пяти лондонских мостов, принадлежащих и обслуживаемых благотворительным фондом Bridge House Estates, контролируемым Корпорацией лондонского Сити. Мост состоит из двух мостовых башен, соединенных на верхнем уровне двумя горизонтальными проходами, предназначенных для противостояния силе горизонтального натяжения, создаваемой подвесными секциями моста на боковых сторонах башен. С 1977 года до реставрации 2010-х годов мост был окрашен в красный цвет, белый и синий цвета.

Tower bridge

Tower Bridge is one of five London bridges owned and operated by the Bridge House Estates Foundation, controlled by the City of London Corporation. The bridge consists of two bridge towers, interconnected by two horizontal walkways, designed to withstand the forces of horizontal tension created by the suspended sections of the bridge on the sides of the tower. From 1977 until the restoration of the 2010s, the bridge was painted red, white and blue.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Упр. 1 Прочитайте предложения и ответьте на во объясните свой выбор 1 Monica has been my girlfriend for 6 months. Lena was my girlfriend for 5years.Who is my girlfriend? 2 Viktor has been married (был женат) for 3 years. Kevin was married for 10 years. Who is still (ещё, до сих пор) married? 3 Bob has lived here for 5 days. Bob lived here for 9 years. Who still lives here? Упр.2 Задайте во к предложению. 1 Olga has been to Sochi. 2 I`ve read this dialogue. 3 We have decided (решили) to get married.
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