
Тест по теме: «Complex Object»1. I found Jim … TV.watchingwatchto watch2. The committee expects the team … the project in a few days.to finishingfinishto finish3. Martha would like all her children … to college.to gogogoing4. The policeman noticed a man … the house through the back door.enterto enterto be entering5. I saw a dog … along the road.walkto walkto have walked6. I have never heard you … !to singsingingsing7. I saw her … along the road when I was parking my car.runrunningto run8. Never let him … it.to dododoing9. He wanted his students … the final test before the weekend.to writewritewriting10. His mother made him … at home.stayingto staystay11. I knew him … a very kind-haearted person.beto bebeing12. The manager declared the sales … within a few days.to startstartstarting13. Don’t make us … for you!waitingwaitto wait14. Would you like me … the door open?leaveleavingto leave15. We know our clients … loyal to our brend.to bebebeing16. Would you like … you with literature?I helpme to helpme help17. Don’t make … dishes, she hates it.she washher to washher wash18. I often hear … the piano in the evening.him playinghe playhe playing19. I felt … my hand.somebody to tochsomebody touchsomebody toching20. We know … English well.her speakingher speakher to speak​​

Английский язык



1. I found Jim … TV. watching

2. The committee expects the team … the project in a few days. to finish

3. Martha would like all her children … to college. to go

4. The policeman noticed a man … the house through the back door. enter

5. I saw a dog … along the road. walk

6. I have never heard you … ! sing

7. I saw her … along the road when I was parking my car. running

8. Never let him … it. do

9. He wanted his students … the final test before the weekend. to write

10. His mother made him … at home. stay

11. I knew him … a very kind-haearted person. to be

12. The manager declared the sales … within a few days. to start

13. Don’t make us … for you! wait

14. Would you like me … the door open? to leave

15. We know our clients … loyal to our brend. to be

16. Would you like … you with literature? me to help

17. Don’t make … dishes, she hates it. her wash

18. I often hear … the piano in the evening. him playing

19. I felt … my hand. somebody touch

20. We know … English well. her to speak​​

Ниже пример сочинения по языку на тему развлечений.  для облегчения восприятия топик дан с переводом. устная тема сочинение  entertainment топик  предложения из топика the entertainment is an important part of the modern life. the concept of «entertainment» includes not only a pretty pastime, but also a passion of art, movies, music, dancing, reading, and sports. the development of the outlook is impossible without reading, hobbies, a passion of music or the theater, opera, ballet… a visit to the cultural events such as exhibitions, presentations, and primes is an integral part of the intelligent person’s life. as for me, despite the fact that most of my time is busy with the study, i also find the time for my hobbies. there are: studying of foreign languages, swimming and music. without music and sports i cannot imagine my life. among the music styles i like pop, alternative rock and club music. i’m not some of those people who used to have a rest, lying on the sofa. i am an adherent of the active recreation. after a hard day the best way to release tension is to swim in the pool. the cinema as a form of the entertainment is firmly included in people’s lives. despite of busy schedule, many people keep an eye on release of the film masterpieces and do not miss an opportunity to visit the cinema. in my opinion, the entertainment is not a waste of time. entertainment is a source of cheerfulness and necessary energy for the new achievements.
Long ago, in 1945, brought together key people from different states on the council. And now decided to join the state toall disputes and to solve problems peacefully, to agree, as is done in civilized people. This is how the United Nations - UN.Convention - an international agreement. States have agreed that they will keep in the country the right of every child.
The main content of the Declaration constitute the natural rights and freedoms.Freedom of conscience, thought and expression, of assembly, of movement, the right to personal integrity, the right to privacy.The first and main task of parents is to provide satisfaction in the child that he is loved and cared about him!- Our government declares all people equal before the law. A person can exercise their rights only if it does not infringe upon the rights of others. And in children and adults have the human rights and responsibilities. The only difference is that adults are more aware and know how. Taking advantage of this, adult T often violate the rights of children.
I am very happy that now operates a number of documents that contain the rights of minors, the rights and duties of parents to their children. Children have the right to education and decent living conditions; the right to education, to housing, to freedom of speech and much more.I want all children to know their rights and responsibilities, and not be afraid to assert their rights.

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Тест по теме: «Complex Object»1. I found Jim … TV.watchingwatchto watch2. The committee expects the team … the project in a few days.to finishingfinishto finish3. Martha would like all her children … to college.to gogogoing4. The policeman noticed a man … the house through the back door.enterto enterto be entering5. I saw a dog … along the road.walkto walkto have walked6. I have never heard you … !to singsingingsing7. I saw her … along the road when I was parking my car.runrunningto run8. Never let him … it.to dododoing9. He wanted his students … the final test before the weekend.to writewritewriting10. His mother made him … at home.stayingto staystay11. I knew him … a very kind-haearted person.beto bebeing12. The manager declared the sales … within a few days.to startstartstarting13. Don’t make us … for you!waitingwaitto wait14. Would you like me … the door open?leaveleavingto leave15. We know our clients … loyal to our brend.to bebebeing16. Would you like … you with literature?I helpme to helpme help17. Don’t make … dishes, she hates it.she washher to washher wash18. I often hear … the piano in the evening.him playinghe playhe playing19. I felt … my hand.somebody to tochsomebody touchsomebody toching20. We know … English well.her speakingher speakher to speak​​
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Iwill have to do this a. will not i? b. haven't i?