
Выпишите предложение, где основной глагол в 3 лице, если не сложно можно пояснение

Английский язык


Finishing 9th grade, students are faced with a choice: to continue to learn until the 11th or go to college? Which option is better, which will open in the future more opportunities to build a successful career? Many people think that the answer is obvious - get a full school education, and then go to college. But in fact, both options have their "pros" and "cons".Pluses of college:1) Employment;2) shall provide the practice;3) If the university is working with the college - you can immediately enroll for 3-4 courses;4) Preparing for the specifics of training in high school.Lows in college:1) There is a possibility to stay in the special education and never get higher;2) When choosing a high school, did not cooperate with the College, will have to study for 1 year longer;3) No deferment from military service at the time of follow-up training in high school;4) You may have to fight stereotypes and prove that you are - capable person.Pros learning:1) In the presence of the military department at the university - without conferring of the title of service;2) With the diploma of higher education institution, you can get a second degree, degree or be trained about the program business education;Cons study at the university:1) Lack of labor practices;2) If you are disappointed in their chosen profession, it can only be retrained charge.
Thus, there are pros and cons of any decision, however, when choosing a good college, the pros still outweigh. That's what they say themselves applicants:To do without examination to college - this is a good chance to get your dream job. After all, the profession after the 9th grade are available without exception. The main thing - to choose the right direction. Then, after finishing college, you can enter a university without examination as well, and even in the short period of training. According to the results of the exam, after school, go to a decent university chosen is much more difficult.After graduating from college, you can get a job in their specialty and to combine it with training in high school. This means that after graduation will be a few years time and it is in their chosen field, which certainly increases the chances of a good job


Если слово, оканчивающееся на ing - глагол, это будет глагол, стоящий в одном из времен Continuous. Например: "He is walking" (он гуляет), или "Mary is hunting ground squirrels" (Мэри охотится на сусликов).

Отличительной особенностью Continuous является то, что перед глаголом в ing-формеВСЕГДА будет присутствовать глагол to be в различных формах (am/is/are/was/were/been). Таким образом,е сли вы видите Ing-форму и перед ней - одно из слов, напсианных в скобочках - это глагол. И переводится он как ДЕЙСТВИЕ: "Mary is swimming in the bath" - Мэри плавает в ванной.


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