Татьяна Марина1287

1. Put the verbs in brackets Into the Present Continuous Tense or the "be going to" form. 1. What you (do) with this room? — I (paint) the walls. 2. It (rain Look at those clouds. 3. Lucy (to come) on Monday. We should prepare a room for her. 4. You (eat) all that? 5. I (meet) her at the station at ten. 6. These swans (eat) all our sandwiches. 7. He (come) out of hospital next week. 8. I (stop) here for a moment to get some petrol. 9. He (give) a lecture tonight. 10. When you (cut) the grass? 11. My grandparents (celebrate) their golden wedding next tomorrow. 12. The committee (meet) next Wednesday. 13. You (ask) him to help you? 14. You (do) anything tonight? 15. I (not stay) here another minute.

Английский язык



Указанно при подчеркивания
1) Укажите те предложения, союзное слово в которых можно опустить:
1. It was found that as many as 7.1 million jobs in the world richest countries can be lost through redundancy and automation.
2. A television camera that will be used is very small.
3. They read the article you recommended.
2) Укажите те предложения, союзное слово в которых можно опустить:
1. The program we work on now represents a new generation.
2. Organisations should never automate something that cannot be simplified.
3. Now that computers and technology have penetrated the industry, automation has become the competitive advantage in today’s manufacturing world.
3) Укажите те предложения, союзное слово в которых можно опустить:
1. The experiment which Popov made was discussed at the University meeting.
2. Automation is any laboratory process that is no longer manual.
3. The technology advancements have lead to the improvement of computer systems that provide labs with the ability to interpret, store and manipulate data.
4) Укажите бессоюзные предложения:
1. The plant this material is produced at is in the Urals.
2. The problem this article deals with is connected with our topic.
3. It is difficult to imagine the world we live in without computers.
4. Automation can help us report more accurate results, more quickly.



Вечер. Мы дома. Мы на диване. Было очень поздно, но мы не хотели в кровать.
Это большая ваза в нашей комнате. Она пуста. Внезапно мы слышим шум в вазе. Мы прыгаем вниз и бежим к вазе. Блэки поднимается к вазе и заглядывает туда.
"Что там?" говорим мы.
"Я не вижу" говорит Блэки. "В вазе очень темно".
Затем мы снова слышим шум.
"Там маленькое животное в вазе" говорит Пинки. " ему"
"Как мы можем " говорим мы.
"Возьми зонтик и положи его в вазу. Затем животное вскарабскается и выйдет." сказала Пинки.
Я взял зонтик и положил его в вазу. Мы слушали и смотрели. Вдруг мы увидили животное. Он полз по зонтику. Это... О, это мышь!

Больше не могу убегаю, рада была

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1. Put the verbs in brackets Into the Present Continuous Tense or the "be going to" form. 1. What you (do) with this room? — I (paint) the walls. 2. It (rain Look at those clouds. 3. Lucy (to come) on Monday. We should prepare a room for her. 4. You (eat) all that? 5. I (meet) her at the station at ten. 6. These swans (eat) all our sandwiches. 7. He (come) out of hospital next week. 8. I (stop) here for a moment to get some petrol. 9. He (give) a lecture tonight. 10. When you (cut) the grass? 11. My grandparents (celebrate) their golden wedding next tomorrow. 12. The committee (meet) next Wednesday. 13. You (ask) him to help you? 14. You (do) anything tonight? 15. I (not stay) here another minute.
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