
I. Choose the correct answer 1) After month of work the project … (approaches/ is approaching/ comes / is coming) completion. 2) There are concerns that something … (happening / happens / is occurring / occurs) inside the house. 3) Our special reporter Steve Rogers … (is reporting / reports / is joining / joins) us from Bagdad. 4) The government … (calls / is caqlli8ng / is declaring / declares) war on crime every time somebody commits it. 5) Scientists … (find / are finding / found / has found) new clues about global warming in the past of the Earth.

Английский язык


Здравствуйте, это очень хорошо что вы задаёте вопрос, но После месяца работы проект... (приближается/приближается/приходит/приближается) к завершению.

Stress is a non-specific (abnormal) condition or reaction of the body to various adverse factors (stressors) affecting it.

There are many reasons for stress: long-term chronic diseases,overweight;

death of a relative or just a close or familiar person;

lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;

watching soulful films, or vice versa, horror films; frequent fears, especially before fatal diseases (cancer), the opinions of people around, old age, a small pension;


To minimize the development of stress, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

to live an active lifestyle;

eat food fortified with vitamins;

try to find a job to your liking;

spend more time outdoors, relax in nature;

limit yourself to the use of caffeine (coffee, strong black tea);

do not watch or listen to things that cause trouble (movies, music and so on.)


Stress is a non-specific (abnormal) condition or reaction of the body to various adverse factors (stressors) affecting it.

There are many reasons for stress: long-term chronic diseases,overweight;

death of a relative or just a close or familiar person;

lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;

watching soulful films, or vice versa, horror films; frequent fears, especially before fatal diseases (cancer), the opinions of people around, old age, a small pension;


To minimize the development of stress, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

to live an active lifestyle;

eat food fortified with vitamins;

try to find a job to your liking;

spend more time outdoors, relax in nature;

limit yourself to the use of caffeine (coffee, strong black tea);

do not watch or listen to things that cause trouble (movies, music and so on.)

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

I. Choose the correct answer 1) After month of work the project … (approaches/ is approaching/ comes / is coming) completion. 2) There are concerns that something … (happening / happens / is occurring / occurs) inside the house. 3) Our special reporter Steve Rogers … (is reporting / reports / is joining / joins) us from Bagdad. 4) The government … (calls / is caqlli8ng / is declaring / declares) war on crime every time somebody commits it. 5) Scientists … (find / are finding / found / has found) new clues about global warming in the past of the Earth.
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