
Перевести в Passive Voice My mother cooked a delicious meal last night. = A ... by my mother last night. (WAS) What did they decorate the houses with? = What ... ? (DECORATED) You must do something about your bad tooth. = Something ... about your bad tooth. (DONE) Andy left the lights on all night long. = The lights ... all night long. (WERE) They postponed the match until next week. = The match ...until next week. (PUT) The teacher saw two students leave the school. = Two students ... to leave the school. (WERE) Will they reserve a table for the Wilsons? = Will ... for the Wilsons? (RESERVED) We can deliver your shopping to your home. = Your ... to your home. (BE) People of all ages enjoy package holidays. = Package holidays ... people of all ages. (ARE)

Английский язык



a delicious meal was cooked by my mother last night

what decorated the houses?

something must be done about your bad tooth

the lights were left all night long

the match was put until next week

two student were seen by teacher to leave the school

will the table be reserved for the Wilsons  your shopping could be delivered to your home

package holidays are enjoyed by people of all ages


Big Ben is the name of the great bell of the Westminster  Palace  in London. the name often refers to the clock and the clock tower in general, which was  called the Tower of Elizabeth in 1012. The height of tower is 96.3 meters. The London Eye is one of the largest Ferris wheel in the world. Its height is 135 meters and a diameter is120 meters. Tower Bridge is a drawbridge in central London on the River Thames, near The Tower of London. It was  opened in 1894 The   Westminster Palace is the building, where the meeting of the British Parliament takes place . Till 1529 it was  used as the seat of English kings. All these places are the symbols of London and Britain.

1. What did people learn during a lot of centuries? что люди учили веками
2. Yaroslav the Wise knew a lot of foreign languages, didn't he? Ярослав Мудрый знал много иностранных языков, не так ли?
3. Should a good engineer or a qualified worker be able to read some technical papers for the imported equipment in a foreign language? Должен ли хороший инженер или квалифицированный специалист уметь читать техническую документацию об оборудовании на иностранном языке?
4. Why do people want to learn foreign languages? Почему люди хотят учить иностранные языки?
5. Who gets acquainted with the culture of the country, its literature, history and geography? Кто знакомится со станойб её литературой б историей и географией?

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Перевести в Passive Voice My mother cooked a delicious meal last night. = A ... by my mother last night. (WAS) What did they decorate the houses with? = What ... ? (DECORATED) You must do something about your bad tooth. = Something ... about your bad tooth. (DONE) Andy left the lights on all night long. = The lights ... all night long. (WERE) They postponed the match until next week. = The match ...until next week. (PUT) The teacher saw two students leave the school. = Two students ... to leave the school. (WERE) Will they reserve a table for the Wilsons? = Will ... for the Wilsons? (RESERVED) We can deliver your shopping to your home. = Your ... to your home. (BE) People of all ages enjoy package holidays. = Package holidays ... people of all ages. (ARE)
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