Це все на що мене вистачило. розповідни 1. Yesterday my cat played with a dog. 2. I watched this movie yesterday. 3. We played voleyball last week. 4.We talked for four hours. 5. I lived here for five yers. 6. She played football. 7. Her sister walked in the park the days ago. 8. My friends invited me to the party yesterday. 9. He could not understand what this devise. 10. We often went for a walk. заперечні 1. Lust summer they did not go on holiday. 2. He did not my friend. 3. She did not buy any butter. 4. I did not go to shool yesterday. питальні 1. Whad did he say? 2. He had reason to believe that I did not know how to do it? 3. Did he training yesterday? 4. Did he do it? 5. Did you know how do it? 6. Did he took first place? 7. Did he flew into space?
The storm had raged for three hours when my horse reached the coast path. I had never known such a terrible night. The house looked almost the same though I haven't seen it for many years. Only a few changes had affected the garden and the stables. The door had become old and stiff. I’d already climbed halfway up the stairs when the clock struck twelve. Inside, someone had just added a few logs to the fire and they burned noisily. My victim had already fallen asleep. I had almost overslept for school again!” Буря бушевала уже в течение трех часов, когда моя лошадь достигла прибережную дорогу. Я никогда раньше не видел такую страшную ночь. Дом выглядел почти так же, хотя я не видел его много лет. Лишь немного изменились сад и конюшни. Дверь постарела и плохо открывалась. Я уже был на полпути вверх по лестнице, когда часы пробили двенадцать. Внутри кто-то только что добавил несколько поленьев в огонь, и они с треском горели. Моя жертва уже заснула. Я снова почти проспал в школу!
1. Yesterday my cat played with a dog.
2. I watched this movie yesterday.
3. We played voleyball last week.
4.We talked for four hours.
5. I lived here for five yers.
6. She played football.
7. Her sister walked in the park the days ago.
8. My friends invited me to the party yesterday.
9. He could not understand what this devise.
10. We often went for a walk.
1. Lust summer they did not go on holiday.
2. He did not my friend.
3. She did not buy any butter.
4. I did not go to shool yesterday.
1. Whad did he say?
2. He had reason to believe that I did not know how to do it?
3. Did he training yesterday?
4. Did he do it?
5. Did you know how do it?
6. Did he took first place?
7. Did he flew into space?