1. Is there __any__beer in the fridge? – Yes, there is _a__ bottle.
2. There aren’t ___any_ oranges in the fridge.
3. There isn’t __a__ watermelon next to the pumpkin.
4. Is there ___any_ cheese? Yes, there is _a__ small piece.
5. There aren’t__any__ strawberries, by there are _some__ cherries.
6. Are there __any__ carrots? – Yes, there are some___.
7. There are _some__ cans of coke next to the beer.
8. Is there _any__ meat? – Yes, there is _some__.
9. Is there _any__ pizza? – Yes, there is _a___ slice.
10. Are there __any_ tins of tuna? – No, there aren’t __any__.
11. Are there __any__ plumS? – No, there aren’t _any.
у мяне былі выдатныя выходныя. У суботту і восресенье я не сумавала. У суботту я паехала з бацькамі за горад, мы гулялі ў лесе, пяклі шашлыкі, весяліліся. Мне вельмі спадабалася, бо лес вясной вельмі прыгожы, у гэты час прачынаюцца многія жывёлы. У-агульным, я добра правяла свой час. А ў восресенье я хадзіла гуляць з сябрамі, мы паехалі ў парк Перамогі, каталіся на роварах, елі марозіва, мне вельмі спадабалася.
I had a wonderful weekend. On Saturday and Sunday I did not miss. On Saturday I went out of town with my parents, we walked in the woods, grilled kebabs, had fun. I really liked it, because the forest in the spring is very beautiful, at this time many animals wake up. In general, I had a good time. And on Sunday I went for a walk with friends, we went to Victory Park, rode bicycles, ate ice cream, I really liked it.
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