
Yes. And another reason I wouldn't X the Italian one is because they are much more expensive to repair if something goes wrong. Заместь X: go for или prefer?

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Make up a story about how to help poor children​

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ответы и объяснения

Ulabykova1201 Новичок

Poor children haven' t place, where they can live. They haven' t money to buy food or clothes. Don' t lough to them. Because they aren' t виноваты, that they are poor.

Imagine, that you are poor and rich children are loughing to you. Isn' t обидно? So don' t lough to them.

Poor children When we hear thise words, some of us can think: " So why can't they become rich? ".

We can give them some money to buy food, clothes. We can also give them some of our food or clothes , that aren't нужны us.

If you don't want to help them, because you are жадный, don't destroy their poor childtime.


The grandmother bakes a bun.

The bun runs away. The bun meets a hare. Hare says:-”I want to eat little bun!” The bun sings: “I run from grandfather, from grandmother. I can run from you little hare!” The bun runs from grey wolf, from big bear.

The bun meets a fox. The bun don’t runs of the fox.

The sly foxs eats it.

Әже бауырсақ пісірді. Бауырсақ қашып кетті. Бауырсақ қоянды кездестірді. Қоян: «Мен сені жеймін кішкентай бауырсақ!»-деді. Бауырсақ: «Мен әжеден,атадан қаштым. Мен сенен де қашамын кішкентай қоян!»-деп ән айтты. Бауырсақ сұр қасқырдан, үлкен аюдан қашты. Бауырсақ түлкіні кездестірді. Бауырсақ түлкіден қаша алмады. Қу түлкі бауырсақты жеп қойды.

The bun runs from sly fox. The bun came back the grandmother and grandfather. Grandmother and grandfather are happy!

Бауырсақ қу түлкіден қашты. Бауырсақ әже мен атаға қайтып оралды. Әже мен ата қуанды.

Колобок убежала от хитрой лисы. Колобок возвратился к бабушке и дедушке. Бабушка и дедушка счастливы!

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Yes. And another reason I wouldn't X the Italian one is because they are much more expensive to repair if something goes wrong. Заместь X: go for или prefer?
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