1. My English teacher asked me yesterday. 2. He often operates the ship, when he is on watch. 3. The ship is often operated by him when he is on watch. 4. Our Radio-officer will transmit a radiogram in 5 minutes. 5. Radiogram will be transmitted by our Radio-officer in 5 minutes. 6. The sailors painted the ship's hull yesterday. 7. The ship's hull was painted by our sailors yesterday. 8. He received the weather information an hour ago. 10. They will launch a new vessel next month. 11. A new vessel will be launched next month. 12. Napoleon invaded Moscow in the 18th century. 13. Moscow was invaded by Napoleon in the 18th century. 14. Admiral Macarov designed the ice-breaker "Yermak". 15 The ice-breaker "Yermak" was designed by Admiral Macarov.
Roberts y Pamela Anderson, la cantante Madonna, así como el futbolista Ronaldinho y el ciclista Lance Armstrong. 30 янв 2014 . Велосипедист Лэнс Армстронг (Lance Armstrong) был дисквалифицирован, в частности, на основании косвенных улик: показаний . Перевод текста песни Go Down Moses исполнителя (группы) Louis Armstrong. We Have All the Time in the World* Основатель благотворительного фонда людям, затронутым раком, — Фонда Лэнса Армстронга (англ. Lance Armstrong. [править 10 май 2009 . . личное сообщение, напечатайте d RECIPIENTUSERNAME в тексте. .. Lance Armstrong (lancearmstrong) 12. .. Перевод: ArmadaBoard Блог им. andrejefl → перевод текста lance armstrong из рабочей тетради спотлайт 0. Блог им. badyginevgenij → перевод текста 6 класс оксана карпюк lily.