
Castles There (A) hundreds of castles in the British Isles. Some of them are ruins, but (B) are in very good condition. Some castles are homes for (C) people like the Queen of (D) ! Many of them are very, very old, and have got a (E) history. Castles are big, strong buildings. People built castles in the past to protect everyone inside the castle from attack. Many castles have legends. 1. buildings; 2. famous; 3. England; 4. fascinating; 5. are; 6. people; 7. others.

Английский язык



There (A)_5. are_ hundreds of castles in the British Isles. Some of them are ruins, but (B)__7. others__ are in very good condition. Some castles are homes for (C)__2. famous__ people like the Queen of (D)_3. England___ ! Many of them are very, very old, and have got a (E)__4. fascinating__ history. Castles are big, strong 1. buildings. 6. people built castles in the past to protect everyone inside the castle from attack. Many castles have legends.



1. I was playing tennis in 3 o'clock in the evening.
2. When I entered he was talking with my friend.
3. They weren't watching TV when mom came home from her work.
4. We were having dinner, when my brother came.
5. It didn't snow in the evening.
6. Children were eating apples when the teacher asked them a question.
7. What were you doing yesterday when he called you?
8. What was she reading from 10 to 12 a.m. on Monday?
9. They had gone to the University, when Kolya met them the day before yesterday.
10. What were you doing at 5 pm?
11. Was he sleeping at that time?
12. It was raining the whole day yesterday.
13. John is still sleeping.
14. Haven't  you finished reading this book yet?
15. Who else will go there?

Mandy heard a bang from the next flat while she was opening her door. - Мэнди услышала звонок из соседней квартиры, пока открывала свою дверь.


She pushed the door gently and it opened. - Она осторожно толкнула дверь и она отворилась.


She checked the flat. - Она проверила квартиру.


There was a woman's body on the floor. A gun was lying beside her. - Там было тело женщины на полу. Пистолет лежал рядом с ней.


A man was hiding behind a desk but Mandy couldn't see him. - Мужчина прятался за столом, но Мэнди не видела его.


Mandy moved towards the body. While she was looking up to see if the woman was alive, the man started to climb out of the window. - Мэнди подвинулась к телу. Пока она смотрела на вверх, чтобы увидеть жива ли женщина, мужчина начал лезть через окно.


When Mandy went into, she saw the man and she shouted. He fell to the ground. - Когда вошла Мэнди, она увидела мужчину и закричала. Он упал на землю.

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Castles There (A) hundreds of castles in the British Isles. Some of them are ruins, but (B) are in very good condition. Some castles are homes for (C) people like the Queen of (D) ! Many of them are very, very old, and have got a (E) history. Castles are big, strong buildings. People built castles in the past to protect everyone inside the castle from attack. Many castles have legends. 1. buildings; 2. famous; 3. England; 4. fascinating; 5. are; 6. people; 7. others.
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