
Заполните пропущенные буквы в названияхживотных, Прочитайте их.)Example: The shell is on the beach.1. The o___1__ is very clever, 2. The s is very angry.3. The w.-__ is very kind.4. There are many s_11__ on the beach, 5. The water in the sea is b __​

Английский язык


Motsart (Iogann Khrizostom Vol'fgang Teofil (Gottlib) Motsart) rodilsya 27 yanvarya 1756 goda v gorode Zal'tsburg v muzykal'noy sem'ye. V biografii Motsarta muzykal'nyy talant obnaruzhilsya yeshche v rannem detstve. Otets obuchal yego igre na organe, skripke, klavesine. V 1762 godu semeystvo yedet v Venu, Myunkhen. Tam dayutsya kontserty Motsarta, yego sestry Marii Anny. Zatem, vo vremya puteshestviy po gorodam Germanii, Shveytsarii, Gollandii muzyka Motsarta porazhayet slushateley udivitel'noy krasotoy. Vpervyye sochineniya kompozitora izdayutsya v Parizhe. Sleduyushchiye neskol'ko let (1770-1774) Amadey Motsart prozhival v Italii. Tam v pervyy raz stavyatsya yego opery («Mitridat – tsar' Pontiyskiy», «Lutsiy Sulla», «Son Stsipiona»), kotoryye poluchayut bol'shoy uspekh publiki. Otmetim, chto k 17 godam shirokiy repertuar kompozitora vklyuchal boleye 40 krupnykh proizvedeniy. Podrobneye:


Mozart (Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophil (Gottlieb) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg in a musical family. In Mozart's biography, musical talent was discovered even in early childhood. Father taught him to play on organ, violin, harpsichord. In 1762 the family went to Vienna, Munich. There are concerts of Mozart, his sister Maria Anna. Then, while traveling through the cities of Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Mozart's music amazes listeners with amazing beauty. For the first time the composer's works are published in Paris.
Motsart (Iogann Khrizostom Vol'fgang Teofil (Gottlib) Motsart) rodilsya 27 yanvarya 1756 goda v gorode Zal'tsburg v muzykal'noy sem'ye. V biografii Motsarta muzykal'nyy talant obnaruzhilsya yeshche v rannem detstve. Otets obuchal yego igre na organe, skripke, klavesine. V 1762 godu semeystvo yedet v Venu, Myunkhen. Tam dayutsya kontserty Motsarta, yego sestry Marii Anny. Zatem, vo vremya puteshestviy po gorodam Germanii, Shveytsarii, Gollandii muzyka Motsarta porazhayet slushateley udivitel'noy krasotoy. Vpervyye sochineniya kompozitora izdayutsya v Parizhe. Sleduyushchiye neskol'ko let (1770-1774) Amadey Motsart prozhival v Italii. Tam v pervyy raz stavyatsya yego opery («Mitridat – tsar' Pontiyskiy», «Lutsiy Sulla», «Son Stsipiona»), kotoryye poluchayut bol'shoy uspekh publiki. Otmetim, chto k 17 godam shirokiy repertuar kompozitora vklyuchal boleye 40 krupnykh proizvedeniy. Podrobneye:


Mozart (Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophil (Gottlieb) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg in a musical family. In Mozart's biography, musical talent was discovered even in early childhood. Father taught him to play on organ, violin, harpsichord. In 1762 the family went to Vienna, Munich. There are concerts of Mozart, his sister Maria Anna. Then, while traveling through the cities of Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Mozart's music amazes listeners with amazing beauty. For the first time the composer's works are published in Paris.

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Заполните пропущенные буквы в названияхживотных, Прочитайте их.)Example: The shell is on the beach.1. The o___1__ is very clever, 2. The s is very angry.3. The w.-__ is very kind.4. There are many s_11__ on the beach, 5. The water in the sea is b __​
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