Since childhood we have been taught to live in society: first a kindergarten, additional circles, a school, an institute and, finally, an adult life. School time remains in memory longer than anything else. Why is this so and where do I, a graduate, know about this? After conducting my own small survey, I collected data from everyone who came across my path. In particular, I was interested to learn not only about communications in Russian schools, but also in other countries. I took a short interview with residents of Great Britain, America, Armenia as well.
My goals: since I'm a graduate, I try now to spend more time at school and communicate with classmates. I really wondered if we would support with the class after graduation, whether we will have something in common in the future. I believe that it is very important to communicate well with the class both during and after school. That's why my goal: to identify the regularity of communication with school friends before and after studying in Russia and abroad. Also my second goal: to help both students and long-term school people to establish a language with their school friends. I think this topic is very relevant, because in modern society children do not always realize the importance of this problem. Why and why should we communicate, communicate, communicate with classmates? Who needs it?
My task is to convey to people, not only for students, but also for those who have graduated long ago, that it is important to keep in touch with classmates because classmates are a corridor in childhood. Whatever age we are - we always want to return to childhood even for a second, even for a minute. And you can do it just when communicating with the class. On the basis of my personal investigation, I discovered a certain pattern of good relationships both in Russia and in the UK and other countries.
Sources: Own survey and questioning of former and current students (classmates, friends outside the school, good acquaintances, just acquaintances, relatives, strangers to me, friends of friends and so on) of Russia, Great Britain, Armenia and those who keep in touch with them.
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Повторяющееся явление
Более 7000 человек были эвакуированы из своих домов в семи регионах Казахстана в апреле 2017 года из-за наводнения 1___. Также были значительные наводнения в 2010, 2014 и 2015 годах.
Предупреждения о погоде
2 Местоположение Казахстана в сочетании с его климатом означает, что здесь много снега зимой и солнечно летом. Причиной повторяющихся паводков является таяние зимних снегопадов, вызванное резким повышением температуры или проливным дождем. Иногда экстремальные погодные условия, такие как волны тепла, могут привести к таким бедствиям, как оползни. 3 Жамбылская, Карагандинская, Костанайская и Северо-Казахстанская области относятся к числу регионов, которые испытали наводнения. Акмолинская, Актобе, Восточно-Казахстанская, Жамбылская, Карагандинская, Костанайская и Северо-Казахстанская области - это регионы, которые испытали наводнения.
Ущерб от наводнения
Наводнение в Казахстане привело к многочисленным ранениям людей и гибели скота. кроме того, наводнением было нанесено множество жилых районов и домов людей. Некоторые дома из самана были полностью разрушены наводнениями и оползнями, в результате чего некоторые люди остались без крова. Некоторые люди уносили транспортные средства из-за наводнения и селей. 4 фактически ремонт дорог, мостов, линий электропередач и зданий обходится в миллиарды тенге.
Поиск решений
Теперь есть несколько решений, которые жителям Казахстана справиться с наводнениями. Например, после наводнения в 2010 году они построили плотину, чтобы остановить наводнение в столице Казахстана Нур-Султане, когда река Ишим выходит из берегов. 5___ Во время наводнений аварийные бригады тысячи голов скота, переезжая. их на возвышенность вдали от паводковых вод. Все эти усилия защитить народ Казахстана от разрушений, вызванных этим стихийным бедствием.
Заполнить: эвакуация, оползень, плотина, (река) разрывы, аварийные бригады
Прочитай текст повторно. 5 предложений отсутствуют. Сопоставьте предложения (A-F) с пробелами (1-5). Есть одно дополнительное предложение: В Казахстане наводнения - обычное дело. В Казахстане от наводнений чаще всего страдают районы, расположенные вблизи рек и озер страны. Кроме того, в некоторых районах используются насосы для откачки воды из домов и общественных зданий. Однако это не первый случай, когда Казахстан пострадал от наводнения. К сожалению, многие дома были полностью разрушены Ремонт всех повреждений был чрезвычайно дорогим.
Следующее упражнение для вас - заполнить: повторяющиеся, крайние, резкие, высокие, мощные, естественные, движущиеся, общественные, аварийные, тяжелые, жилые, наводнения. Используйте заполненные фразы, чтобы рассказать о наводнении в Казахстане
Since childhood we have been taught to live in society: first a kindergarten, additional circles, a school, an institute and, finally, an adult life. School time remains in memory longer than anything else. Why is this so and where do I, a graduate, know about this? After conducting my own small survey, I collected data from everyone who came across my path. In particular, I was interested to learn not only about communications in Russian schools, but also in other countries. I took a short interview with residents of Great Britain, America, Armenia as well.
My goals: since I'm a graduate, I try now to spend more time at school and communicate with classmates. I really wondered if we would support with the class after graduation, whether we will have something in common in the future. I believe that it is very important to communicate well with the class both during and after school. That's why my goal: to identify the regularity of communication with school friends before and after studying in Russia and abroad. Also my second goal: to help both students and long-term school people to establish a language with their school friends.
I think this topic is very relevant, because in modern society children do not always realize the importance of this problem. Why and why should we communicate, communicate, communicate with classmates? Who needs it?
My task is to convey to people, not only for students, but also for those who have graduated long ago, that it is important to keep in touch with classmates because classmates are a corridor in childhood. Whatever age we are - we always want to return to childhood even for a second, even for a minute. And you can do it just when communicating with the class.
On the basis of my personal investigation, I discovered a certain pattern of good relationships both in Russia and in the UK and other countries.
Own survey and questioning of former and current students (classmates, friends outside the school, good acquaintances, just acquaintances, relatives, strangers to me, friends of friends and so on) of Russia, Great Britain, Armenia and those who keep in touch with them.