
Choose ‘the’ or ‘no article’. 1. They visited a village in Andes 2. They went to Philippines on their honeymoon. 3. Korea is near Japan and China. 4. Have you ever seen Mount Fuji? 5. Azores are a group of islands in the Atlantic. 6. She went to United Kingdom to study English. 7. They drove round Corsica 8. Australia is a really enormous place. 9. What countries share a border with Norway? 10. Greece gets very, very hot in the summer. 11. Baffin Island is part of Canada. 12. I’ve never been to United States 13. We went to Ireland and stayed in Dublin. 14. She comes from Netherlands 15. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 16. She always loved skiing in Alps 17. He used to work in India 18. I often go on holiday to Canary Islands 19. They loved visiting Serbia 20. Does England have many big cities?

Английский язык



.They visited a village in the Alps

Have you seen Mount Fuji?

She went to the United Kingdom to study English.

. Australia is really an enormous place.

. We went to the Republic of Ireland and stayed in Dublin.

I often go on holiday to the Canary Islands.

Greece gets very hot in the summer.


сейчас дальше буду писатт


1. My sister likes playing the guitar but she doesn't like singing songs.

2. Raid is happy because it's his birthday today.

3. Laman wants to eat this hamburger because she is hungry.

4. My aunt lives in Ganja and works in Shamkir.

5. I bake a cake, but I did not prepare a pizza.

6. Aydan wants to sleep because she is tired now.


1. Моя сестра любит играть на гитаре, но ей не нравится петь песни.

2. Рэйд счастлив потому, что сегодня его день рождения.

3. Ламан хочет есть потому, что она голодна.

4. Моя тетя живëт в Джандже и она работает в Шамкир (что это такое?..)

5. Я испëк торт, но я не подготовил пиццу.

6. Адьян хочет спать потому, что она устала.

Мои знания в английском не идеальны, говорю сразу, откровенно и прямолинейно...

Пимкина Сергеевич


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My favourite Russian sportsman is Maria Sharapova. She is a professional tennis player. Maria started play tennis when she had 7. She was really fond of this sport. Perseverance and self-belief led her to the first line of the world rankings. Maria won 29 tournaments. Sharapova is a silver medallist of Olympics games. She won four of four Grand Slam.

In addition, Maria Sharapova is a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Development Program. She founded a foundation that supports a number of projects in the areas affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, as well as funding a scholarship program for Belarusian students - people from such areas. Forbes magazine has included Sharapova, one of the "100 most powerful celebrities of the world", and she was the only Russian woman on the list. Maria is the face of companies such as "Samsung", "Nike", "Porsche". I really admire her.

Моя любимая российская спортсменка-Мария Шарапова. Она профессиональная теннисистка. Мария начала играть в теннис, когда ей было 7. Она очень любила этот вид спорта. Настойчивость и вера в себя привели ее на первую строчку мирового рейтинга. Мария выиграла 29 турниров. Шарапова-серебряный призер Олимпийских игр. Она выиграла четыре из четырех турниров Большого Шлема.

Кроме того, Мария Шарапова является послом доброй воли Программы развития ООН. Она основала фонд, который поддерживает ряд проектов в районах, пострадавших от Чернобыльской АЭС в Беларуси, России и Украине, а также финансирует стипендиальную программу для белорусских студентов - выходцев из таких районов. Журнал Forbes включил Шарапову в число" 100 самых влиятельных знаменитостей мира", и она была единственной россиянкой в этом списке. Мария является лицом таких компаний, как" Samsung"," Nike","Porsche". Я действительно восхищаюсь ею.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Choose ‘the’ or ‘no article’. 1. They visited a village in Andes 2. They went to Philippines on their honeymoon. 3. Korea is near Japan and China. 4. Have you ever seen Mount Fuji? 5. Azores are a group of islands in the Atlantic. 6. She went to United Kingdom to study English. 7. They drove round Corsica 8. Australia is a really enormous place. 9. What countries share a border with Norway? 10. Greece gets very, very hot in the summer. 11. Baffin Island is part of Canada. 12. I’ve never been to United States 13. We went to Ireland and stayed in Dublin. 14. She comes from Netherlands 15. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 16. She always loved skiing in Alps 17. He used to work in India 18. I often go on holiday to Canary Islands 19. They loved visiting Serbia 20. Does England have many big cities?
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