
ответить на во по тексту. Computer Memory Software gives instructions that tell computers what to do. There are two kinds of software. The first is System Software and includes programs that run the computer system or that aid programmers in performing their work. The second kind of software is Application Software, which directs the computer to perform specific tasks that often involve the user. Memory is the general term used to describe a computer system’s storage facilities. Memory’s job is to store the instruction or programs and data in the computer. Memory can be divided into two major categories: 1. main memory, 2 auxiliary storage. Main memory is also called main storage, internal storage or primary storage and is a part of the CPU. Main memory is usually on chips or a circuit board with the other two components of the CPU. RAM for Random Access Memory, is the storage area directly controlled by the computer’s CPU. Main Memory assists the control unit and the ALU by serving as a repository for the program being executed and for data as it passes through. RAM or Volatile memory so called because its contents are replaced when new instructions and data are added, or when electrical power to the computer is shut off. RAM is read-write memory, in that it can receive or read data and instructions from other sources such as auxiliary storage. Another type of memory is ROM or Read Only Memory. ROM holds instructions that can be read by the computer but no written over. ROM is sometimes called firmware because it holds instructions from the firm or manufacturer. Auxiliary storage, also called auxiliary memory or secondary storage, is memory that supplements main storage. This type of memory is long-term, Nonvolatile Memory. Nonvolatile means that computer is turned off or on. 2. Answer the questions: 1. Does software give instructions that tell computers what to do? 2. How many kinds of software do you know? What are they? 3. When do you use the term ‘memory’? 4. What is the job of memory? 5. What are two major categories of memory? 3. Which sentences don’t correspond to the sense of the text?Какие предложения не соответствуют тексту. 1. CMOS is used in PCs to store information such as the amount of installed memory. 2. Software gives instructions that tell computers what to do. 3. CMOS also contains a wonderful clock with a built-in-alarm, which we don’t get to use. 4. The Software as most intangible products is not always capable of being readily evaluated. 5. Volatile memory is replaced when new instructions and data are added. 6. Firmware holds instructions from the firm or manufacturer.

Английский язык



2.Answer the questions

1. Yes, it does .

2. I know two kinds of software. The first is system software and the second is aplication software.

3. I use the term "memory" when I need to descride a computer system's storage facilities.

4. Memory’s job is to store the instruction or programs and data in the computer.

5.There is two major categories of memory: main memory and auxilliary memory.

3. Which sentences don't correspond to the sense of the text?

1. It's false and does not correspond.

2. It's true

3. False

4. Doesn't correspond

5. It's true and correspond to the sense of the text

6. Absolutely true and correspond


A) “i have something to show you”, i said to her b) he said that he was going away the next day.  c) rupert said that he had been in london for a month but l hadn’t had time to visit the tower. d) she replied that she would come with them as soon as she was ready.  e) they said that they had a lift but very often it didn’t work. f) he said that he had to go to the dentist the next day. g) he said tha the had found an old roman coin in the garden the day before adding that he was going to take it to the museum that afternoon.

сказка начинается с описания главного героя - драгоценной статуи принца, стоящей над городом. все восхищаются золотым принцем. девочки говорят, что он похож на ангела из сна, мамы ставят детям "послушную" статую в пример, ценители искусства хвалят убранство.

второй герой сказки - скворец. он должен был уже улететь в жаркий египет, но отстал от своих пернатых собратьев, так как влюбился в тростинку. все смеялись над его любовью, но самое грустное, что в итоге посмеялась и сама тростинка. грустный скворец решил переночевать у ног статуи и утром лететь за своей стаей.

ночью статуя заговорила с ним. оказалось, что душа принца переселилась в эту прекрасную статую, и теперь со своей высоты видит все беды и несчастья бедных людей, о которых понятия не имел при жизни во дворце. он хотел беднякам, вот и попросил скворца отнести больному мальчику рубин со своей шпаги. скворец, у которого тоже было доброе сердце, согласился.

на другую ночь, когда птица собиралась улетать в египет, принц просил ее задержаться, чтобы отнести драгоценный камень драматургу. камнем этот стал сапфир - глаз принца. скворец согласился. и на другую ночь он не улетел, ведь нужно было отнести второй сапфировый глаз бедной девочке. так птица и не улетела этой но скворец так устал, относя кусочки золота нищим, и так замерз, что умер. (местные чиновники даже собирались издать указ, запрещающий птицам умирать рядом с охраняемой статуей.) а несчастный принц, от которого остался лишь некрасивый карас с оловянным сердцем, был отправлен на свалку. там они нашлись с мертвым скворцом.

и вот однажды ангел прилетел в город, чтобы найти здесь самое дорогое. ангел принес в рай скворца и сердце принц

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ответить на во по тексту. Computer Memory Software gives instructions that tell computers what to do. There are two kinds of software. The first is System Software and includes programs that run the computer system or that aid programmers in performing their work. The second kind of software is Application Software, which directs the computer to perform specific tasks that often involve the user. Memory is the general term used to describe a computer system’s storage facilities. Memory’s job is to store the instruction or programs and data in the computer. Memory can be divided into two major categories: 1. main memory, 2 auxiliary storage. Main memory is also called main storage, internal storage or primary storage and is a part of the CPU. Main memory is usually on chips or a circuit board with the other two components of the CPU. RAM for Random Access Memory, is the storage area directly controlled by the computer’s CPU. Main Memory assists the control unit and the ALU by serving as a repository for the program being executed and for data as it passes through. RAM or Volatile memory so called because its contents are replaced when new instructions and data are added, or when electrical power to the computer is shut off. RAM is read-write memory, in that it can receive or read data and instructions from other sources such as auxiliary storage. Another type of memory is ROM or Read Only Memory. ROM holds instructions that can be read by the computer but no written over. ROM is sometimes called firmware because it holds instructions from the firm or manufacturer. Auxiliary storage, also called auxiliary memory or secondary storage, is memory that supplements main storage. This type of memory is long-term, Nonvolatile Memory. Nonvolatile means that computer is turned off or on. 2. Answer the questions: 1. Does software give instructions that tell computers what to do? 2. How many kinds of software do you know? What are they? 3. When do you use the term ‘memory’? 4. What is the job of memory? 5. What are two major categories of memory? 3. Which sentences don’t correspond to the sense of the text?Какие предложения не соответствуют тексту. 1. CMOS is used in PCs to store information such as the amount of installed memory. 2. Software gives instructions that tell computers what to do. 3. CMOS also contains a wonderful clock with a built-in-alarm, which we don’t get to use. 4. The Software as most intangible products is not always capable of being readily evaluated. 5. Volatile memory is replaced when new instructions and data are added. 6. Firmware holds instructions from the firm or manufacturer.
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